The Bush School of Government & Public Service
4220 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843-4220
Map | 979-862-3469
Texas A&M University Directory
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Joy Monroe
Assistant Dean for Development, Alumni Relations and Strategic Initiatives
Phone: (979) 845-7614
ALLN 2126
Matthew Upton
Assistant Dean for Graduate Career & Student Services
Phone: (979) 862-8824
ALLN 2016A
Marvin L. Adams
Participating Faculty, Certificate in National Security Affairs
Phone: (979) 845-4198
Zachry Rm. 122
James E. Anderson
Professor Emeritus
Andy Armstrong
Director of Undergraduate Advising
Phone: (979) 458-7139
ALLN 1121A
Michael Berardi
Associate Director of Technology Services
Phone: (979) 458-6922
ALLN 2007
Bradley Cesario
Warren A. Dixon
Professor Emeritus
Annetta Douglas
Assistant Director - Recruiting Marketing and Communications
Phone: (979) 845-1938
ALLN 2024
Roy B. Flemming
Professor Emeritus
Kevin Guillory
Associate Director of the European Union Center (EUC)
Phone: (979) 862-4588
ALLN 3117
Gary M. Halter
Professor Emeritus
Matt Haydon
ALLN 3102
Monica Holder
Assistant Director - Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs
Phone: (979) 458-6992
ALLN 1082
Jordan Meyer
Marketing Intern
Jacqueline Linde
Director of Enrollment Management, Career and Student Services - Bush School DC
Lisa Castor
Development Business Operations Coordinator
Donald Macwillie
Kassandra Maduzia
Administrative Coordinator - Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs
Phone: (979) 845-6510
ALLN 1084
Michelle Taylor
Regina Thompson
Adjunct Professor
Greg Vogle
Professor of the Practice, Director of the Intelligence Studies Program, and Holder of the Julia von Blucher and George R. Jordan, Jr. Endowed Chair in Intelligence Studies
Phone: (979) 845-5229
ALLN 1025
Josh Wentzel
Assistant Director - Biosecurity and Pandemic Preparedness Policy Program
1620 L St NW, Washington DC, 20036
Suzanne White
Ursula Wilder
William M. Sage
Professor, School of Law and Department of Translational Science, School of Medicine Professor, Public Service and Administration (Courtesy Joint Faculty)