Faculty Research
Journal Articles | Books | Book Chapters | Grants & Awards | Projects
The ability of research to generate ideas that help solve challenging public policy problems is well known. Since the Bush School’s founding in 1997, the faculty have been engaged in studies that have directly benefitted the state, nation, and world, while at the same time educating future leaders. The School has been steadfast in supporting – and indeed establishing – research institutes that study and affect significant public policy and public administration issues. The faculty’s research mission is both an individual and collective agenda, and in many instances, actively involves students. Our faculty members publish the results of their scholarship in prestigious journals in the field and present their works at major conferences across the nation.
In addition to their diverse individual research projects, faculty at the Bush School also are actively engaged in collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects. Bush School scholars can, and often do, affect policy decisions and are respected for their integrity, clarity of thought, and articulate expression of their ideas.