Arnold Vedlitz
Professor and Bob Bullock Chair in Government and Public Policy; Director and Distinguished Research Scholar in the Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy
Phone: (979) 845-2929
ALLN 3024A
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Dr. Arnold Vedlitz is a professor and holder of the Bob Bullock Chair in Government and Public Policy in the Bush School of Government & Public Service.
He is Division Head for the Science, Technology and Public Policy Division at the Texas Engineering Experiment Station. He serves as a member of the executive committee for the Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas, the advisory council for the Center for Transportation Safety and as a member of the advisory board of the Center for Atmospheric Chemistry and the Environment. He has served in a number of positions at Texas A&M University since 1973, including Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Associate Provost for External Affairs, and Executive Associate Dean of the Bush School.
Dr. Vedlitz received his BA and MA degrees in Government from Louisiana State University and his PhD in Political Science from the University of Houston. His teaching and research focus on science and technology policy, minority politics, public policy, inter-group conflict, American political behavior, urban politics, and political psychology. Vedlitz teaches the Science and Technology Policy course and a two-semester Capstone sequence.
He is a co-author of a new book on understanding trust in government with Routledge (2017), co-author/co-editor of a highly cited book from MIT Press dealing with natural resources management and decision making, author of an important book on public policy and author of dozens of scholarly articles and book chapters in the field of politics and science and technology policy with a focus on climate change. He has been principal investigator, co-principal investigator, and senior research scientist on externally funded research projects totaling more than $30 million. Funders have included the National Science Foundation, the Department of Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Agriculture, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Department of Transportation.
Dr. Vedlitz recently served on the Council of Competitiveness, National Innovation Initiative, Public Sector Task Force and on the Foresight Panel on Environmental Effects for the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments. He is a reviewer for the American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, American Journal of Political Science, Social Science Quarterly and dozens of other scholarly journals and for the National Science Foundation and the US Environmental Protection Agency.