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Dr. Liu’s academic interests include public policy, public administration, environmental politics and policy, public opinion and participation, risk analysis and management, and comparative governance. His research primarily focuses on examining how individual and collective policy actors (e.g., citizens, stakeholders, governments) define public problems, perceive risks, and set policy agendas and decision priorities in political and policy processes.
With extensive experience in large-scale public surveys, quantitative content analysis, experimental design, and field study, Dr. Liu has employed social science theories and statistical methods to address scholarly and applied public policy and administration topics in areas of global warming and climate change, environmental and natural resources, emerging science and technology, public safety and security, and comparative politics and governance. His research has appeared in peer-referred journals, including Policy Studies Journal, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Management Review, Public Administration, Review of Policy Research, Political Research Quarterly, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Risk Analysis, Journal of Risk Research, Global Environmental Change, Environmental Science and Policy, Climatic Change, Journal of Contemporary China, and China Quarterly. He is the author of the book Modeling Bilateral International Relations (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006).
Dr. Liu has taught at Peking University, the University of Washington, Bothell, Texas A&M University, and the University of Macau. He is a frequent reviewer for scholarly journals in political science, public policy, public administration, risk management, and environmental and natural resources studies, and currently serves the editorial board of Policy Studies Journal. He was Associate Director of the Public Administration and Policy Program in the Department of Political Science of Peking University from 1991 to 1993 and Assistant Director of the Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy at the Bush School of Texas A&M University from 2013 to 2019. Dr. Liu earned his PhD in political science from Texas A&M University and received his MA and BA degrees in political science and public administration from Peking University.