The Department of Political Science nominated and sponsored Dr. Clarence E. Sasser (’73) for an Honorary Doctorate Degree, passed by resolution in April 2014 by the Texas A&M University Faculty Senate and approved by Dr. Mark A. Hussey, Interim President of Texas A&M, and the TAMUS Board of Regents. Dr. Sasser received the award for his extraordinary devotion in a lifetime career of public service in the VA to help America’s military veterans. In his own military service, Dr. Sasser was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions with the U.S. Army in the Republic of Vietnam in 1968 while serving as a medic.
In November 2013, Dr. Sasser was enshrined as the eighth Aggie and the first African-American into the Aggie Medal of Honor Hall of Honor in the TAMU Memorial Student Center. At the special award presentation for Dr. Sasser at the May 9, 2014 graduation ceremonies, Dr. Kenneth J. Meier, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, the Charles H. Gregory Chair in Liberal Arts at Texas A&M, and Director of the Project for Equity, Representation, & Governance in the Department of Political Science, presented Dr. Sasser with the Honorary Medallion accompanying the Doctorate Degree. Left to right on stage with Dr. Sasser during the ceremonies are Dr. Michael Benedik, Dean of Faculties and Associate Provost, Dr. Kenneth J. Meier, Dr. Clarence E. Sasser (’73), Dr. José Luiz Bermúdez, former Dean of the College of Liberal Arts (holding Dr. Sasser’s Honorary Diploma), and Dr. Mark A. Hussey, Interim President, Texas A&M University.
On Sept. 1, 2022, the Department of Political Science became part of the Bush School of Government & Public Service.