Guy D. Whitten
Head of Political Science Department, Bob Bullock Chair in Public Policy and Finance
Phone: (979) 845-8833
ALLN 3094
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Guy D. Whitten is a Professor and the Department Head for Political Science in the Bush School of Public Policy & Public Service at Texas A&M University. He holds the Bob Bullock Chair in Public Policy and Finance.
Dr. Whitten’s primary research and teaching interests are comparative public policy, political economy, and political methodology. Much of his published research has involved cross-national comparative studies of the influence of economics on government popularity and elections. More recently, his work has focused on political budgeting, including a book titled The Politics of Budgets: Getting a Piece of the Pie, written with Christine Lipsmeyer and Andrew Philips, published by Cambridge University Press in 2023.
Dr. Whitten has published a number of influential works on the use of statistics to make inferences in the social sciences. Together with Paul Kellstedt, he has written a textbook titled The Fundamentals of Political Science Research (Cambridge University Press 2009, 2013, 2018; Portuguese version published by Blucher 2015). He is a co-editor of the Cambridge University Press book series Methodological Tools in the Social Sciences and currently serves on the editorial boards of Political Analysis and Political Science and Research Methods.
Dr. Whitten is a frequent instructor of short courses on statistical methods for social scientists at a number of international universities and research centers. These include the International Political Science Association’s Summer Schools on Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science (in Mexico City, S˜ao Paulo, and Singapore) and the Workshops on Social Science Research (in Montreal). His methodological specialties include models of compositional and discrete dependent variables and models of spatial and/or temporal dynamic processes.
Prior to his arrival at Texas A&M, Dr. Whitten was a Research Associate at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School and a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Dr. Whitten earned his BA, MA, and PhD degrees from the University of Rochester. As an undergraduate he double-majored in Political Science and History, interned as a research assistant in the British House of Commons, and was a varsity member of the Cross Country and Track and Field teams. During his PhD studies, Dr. Whitten specialized in Comparative Politics, American Politics, and Quantitative Methods.