Christine S. Lipsmeyer
Professor and Director of the European Union Center (EUC)
Phone: (979) 862-4588
ALLN 3086
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Dr. Christine S. Lipsmeyer’s research is at the intersection of public policy, political economy, and political institutions. She is interested in questions about government behavior and responsibility, as well as the relationships between governments and their supporters. At the center of her work is how political and economic contexts influence the policy behavior of governments and the policy preferences of individuals across countries and over time.
Originally, Dr. Lipsmeyer focused on welfare policies cross-nationally, but her most recent work answers questions about the political mechanisms in the broader budgetary and public policy arenas. In her book, The Politics of Budgets: Getting a Piece of the Pie (Cambridge University Press) with Andrew Philips and Guy Whitten, they explore how governments decide trade-offs within the various parts of their budgets using a compositional methodological approach. Dr. Lipsmeyer also is interested in the dynamics of parliamentary systems and coalition governance. Her work focuses on when and how partners in a government coalition use various strategies to achieve their public policy goals. By examining the various strategic options and institutional contexts of governments, her research explores the complexities of governing across both public policy and institutional contexts.
Much of Dr. Lipsmeyer’s research relies on time-series, cross-national methods and has appeared in journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, the British Journal of Political Science, Electoral Studies, the Journal of European Public Policy, as well as others.