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Dr. Alexander C. Pacek’s main research area in comparative public opinion and mass political behavior. His current focus is on the political determinants, and consequences of subjective and objective human well-being around the world. Much of his earlier work focused on the political economy of voter turnout and electoral choice in the post-communist countries, the developing world, and the advanced industrial democracies.
Dr. Pacek’s current research includes ongoing projects on the political determinants and consequences of happiness and life-satisfaction, and human well-being in general. Several of these projects involve the impact of institutions such as the welfare state, labor unions, public employment, and government in general on well-being. He is also researching the impact of gender and LGBTQ rights on human well-being. An additional set of projects involve assessing the impact of various measures of welfare policies on objective quality-of-life measures.
Dr. Pacek teaches undergraduate courses on Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, comparative politics, and American government. He teaches graduate courses on mass political behavior and public opinion at the general level and comparative level. He has taught several course for the George Bush School of Government and Public Service on ethnic conflict and nation-building in the former communist world.