Master of International Affairs 5-year (3+2) Degree with the Texas A&M Departments of International Studies and Economics Admissions Timeline Admissions Process Overview

Overview | Timeline | Deadlines | Requirements | International Applicants | FAQs | Contact Us
The Bush School admits Texas A&M University undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in one of the following majors once per year, for fall entry only, into the Master of International Affairs 3+2 degree program.
- International Studies (specifically in the emphasis track of International Politics & Diplomacy)
- Economics
Plan to apply a year out. The application cycle begins in early August, the year prior to entry, with an application deadline for priority funding in mid-December and a final application deadline in mid-January.
We will update our website after the final deadline to indicate if we are accepting late applications on a space-available basis. Most major financial offers are made in March, so applications accepted after the final deadline are still considered for any available Bush School merit aid.
Applicants apply by submitting an online MIA Internal Application. The application will ask applicants to fill out their information, answer some program-specific questions, and upload their supporting materials (resume, international experience essay, personal statement, GRE/GMAT test score if they choose to submit scores, and 5-year degree course planner). Applicants are responsible for requesting their recommenders submit a letter of recommendation and the Recommendation Form to the Bush School’s Graduate Admissions Office by the application deadline.
All completed applications (those not missing any materials) are reviewed by the MIA Admissions Committee in late January to determine who is invited to the second stage of the admissions process; interviews.
Those selected for an interview are notified via email in late January/early February and are asked to complete an interview with two different faculty and/or staff members to continue in the admissions process. Applicants are encouraged to attend/complete their interviews during Interview Conference Weekend. However, for those unable to attend Interview Conference Weekend, alternative interviews will be scheduled and completed via Zoom throughout the month of February.
Once applicants have all been interviewed, the Admissions and Scholarship Committees meet in early March to make final admissions decisions and award scholarships. Decisions, offer letters (if admitted), and scholarship awards are emailed to applicants by March 15.
Applicants offered admission have until April 15 to accept or decline their offer.
Those who accept their offer of admission are then provided instructions and next steps for enrolling in classes, meeting their classmates, and so on. In August, the student’s academic record will be reviewed to ensure the student still meets the minimum GPA requirement for the 3+2 MIA program and successfully completed all of their undergraduate course work as planned. Fall classes begin in mid-August with a required Bush School New Student Orientation the week prior to the start of the fall semester.
Contact Information:
Questions about undergraduate course or degree requirements in preparation for applying to the 3+2 MIA program should be directed to the student’s undergraduate advisor.
- International Studies: Dallas Reyes (
- Economics: Shelby Wallace (
Questions about applying to the 3+2 MIA degree should be directed to Ashlee Treadway or Kathryn Meyer in the Bush School Graduate Admissions Office:
Phone: 979-862-3476
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