Master of International Policy
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About 6/7 of the world’s population lives in developing countries. As a result, economic growth and development are critical issues that drive international relations. The International Development and Economic Policy (IDEP) track equips students with the theory and practice necessary for international development and economic policy careers. The focus of this concentration includes violent conflict, state building, democratization, migration, the costs and benefits of globalization, women and security, and economic and political interactions among and between governments. The program has particular strength in humanitarian assistance during disasters, famines and civil wars. This academic preparation opens careers in a variety of international institutions and national agencies, such as in the NGO community, USAID, UN agencies and development contractors. The goal is to provide the highest quality training to students who are called to public service and hope to conduct economic interactions worldwide in government, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector.
The National Security and Diplomacy (NSD) track of study provides students with the knowledge and intellectual skills necessary for contributing to the protection of the national society in an anarchical international system. The program emphasizes the need for dynamic threat assessment capabilities (both intelligence collection and analysis), the role of strategy and the use of force in international politics, alternative means of addressing potential dangers and the concepts and tools necessary for resolving international disputes and conflicts. Instruction in the national security track recognizes that the security of the U.S. is intertwined with the security of other international actors. Therefore, the program addresses both international and national security issues, such as diplomacy, gender and security, transnational threats, intelligence, counterterrorism, military strategy and international organizations. Individuals selecting this track are expected to have some knowledge of international history and politics.