Master of International Policy (College Station, TX)
Overview | Timeline | Deadlines | Requirements | International Applicants | Contact Us
MIP (College Station, TX) Admissions Overview
The Bush School has rolling admissions for the one-year Master of International Policy (MIP) in College Station, TX, admitting students for entry into the program each fall, spring, and summer. The application deadline is October 15 for spring admission, March 15 for summer admission, and April 15 for fall admission.
To be eligible for admission into the MIP program in College Station, TX, applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of four years of professional experience in the field of international affairs, broadly understood. Such experience does NOT include educational experiences like studying abroad or internships. This is a hard requirement. If you are unsure if you meet this requirement, you may email a copy of your up-to-date resume containing all of your international experience. The Bush School Graduate Admissions Office will review and let you know if you meet the experience requirement.
Applicants apply by submitting an application in the GradCAS online portal. The application will ask applicants to fill out various information, upload their resume and transcripts, and then select a program. Once a program is selected, the applicant will then be prompted to upload materials required for that program, answer program-specific questions, and request their recommendations. Applicants can pay the application fee and submit their application before or after their recommendations are received/completed, but their application will not be reviewed/considered for admission until all materials (including recommendations) are received.
Once a submitted application is complete (meaning all materials have been received), the applicant’s entire file (application and all materials) is reviewed by the MIP Admissions Committee. A final admissions decision will be made and emailed to the applicant within 7-10 business days.
Applicants offered admission typically have one month to accept or decline their offer of admission into the program. Their Bush School Admissions Offer Letter will contain the deadline to accept/decline the offer. Those who accept their offer of admission are then provided instructions and next steps for enrolling in classes, meeting their classmates, and so on.