Twenty-two students from the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University and from Brigham Young University (BYU), along with several faculty members, recently spent ten days attending the 59th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women/Beijing+20 conference at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The conference focused […]
Bush School News
MPSA announces Kenneth J. Meier award recognizing scholarship in public administration and policy
The Midwest Political Science Association has established a new annual award recognizing outstanding scholarship in politics, public administration, and public policy in honor of Kenneth J. Meier, Distinguished Professor and Director of the Project for Equity, Representation & Governance at Texas A&M University. The inaugural award will recognize the best paper in bureaucratic politics, public […]
Texas A&M University Bush School Scholar Selected As Carnegie Fellow
Dr. Valerie Hudson, professor at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, has received a 2015 Andrew Carnegie Fellowship. Hudson, who holds the George H. W. Bush Chair, is one of 32 fellowship winners chosen from 301 nominations and the only one from a Texas university. Hudson is part of the […]
Texas A&M Scientist: Hurdles To Climate Change Action In Economics And Politics, Not Divided Science
Congress has heard the “supermajority” consensus on the reality and causes of climate change, note scientists from Texas A&M University, Idaho State University, and University of Oklahoma. In a paper published in Climatic Change, the researchers suggest looking at business interests, partisan predispositions and political ideology for the hurdles to policy action. “Different perceptions and claims […]
Gender Bias Affects Cost of Imports, Says Texas A&M Bush School Scholar
Women looking for bargains probably won’t find them at Customs. The burden of tariffs falls heavily—and in many cases exclusively—on the consumer. So when the tariff on women’s leather shoes is higher than the tariff on men’s leather shoes (which it is), women feel the pain, says Dr. Lori Taylor, an associate professor at the […]
Bowman Elected to ASPA Section Executive Council
Dr. Ann Bowman was elected to the executive council of the Section on Intergovernmental Administration and Management (SIAM) at the March 2015 annual conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). SIAM is one of numerous specialized sections established and supported by the Society that reflect the interests of ASPA members. SIAM focuses on […]
ISTPP Researchers Examine General and Specific Risk Assessments about Climate Change
In this study, ISTPP Senior Research Fellow, James Stoutenborough, ISTPP Director, Arnold Vedlitz, and Bush School graduate, Xin Xing, analyze the drivers of the public’s risk perceptions related to climate change risk. By focusing on three sub domains – public health, economic development, and the environment, the researchers are able to examine whether the public […]
ISTPP Researches Scientists’ Views on Communicating Climate Change Risk
ISTPP Director, Arnold Vedlitz, and other ISTTP researchers – Senior Fellow James Stoutenborough, former student worker Nick Fette, and Research Associate Carol Goldsmith, have published their article, “Understanding the Communication of Climate Change Risk: Climate Scientists’ Perspectives of Media Sources and Policy Makers” in Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. The authors examine the acceptance […]
Former Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood at the Bush School
On Wednesday, March 26, the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy at the Bush School of Government and Public Service had the privilege of hosting Mr. Ray LaHood, former US secretary of transportation, at the Institute’s 2015 ConocoPhillips White House Lecture Series. In recognition of his many years of exemplary public service and […]
ConocoPhillips White House Lecture Series Hosts “Reaching Across the Aisle: The Challenge to Governing” with Ray LaHood
On Wednesday, March 26, the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy at the Bush School of Government and Public Service had the privilege of hosting Mr. Ray LaHood, former US secretary of transportation, at the Institute’s 2015 ConocoPhillips White House Lecture Series. In recognition of his many years of exemplary public service and […]