Bush School of Government & Public Service professor and Center for Nonprofits & Philanthropy (CNP) Faculty Fellow, Dr. Ellie Qu recently began her appointment as the co-editor of the Journal of Behavioral Public Administration (JBPA). The Journal of Behavioral Public Administration (JBPA) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary open access journal that focuses on behavioral and experimental research in public administration, broadly defined. Dr. Qu joins another Bush School professor, Dr. Joanna Lahey, who also serves as a co-editor of JBPA.
JBPA reviews scholarly and applied research conducted by practitioners and academics in the following disciplines: economics, public policy, political science, psychology, sociology, law, communication, and even biology, as long as they have relevance in public administration theory or practice.
When asked what the appointment means to her, Qu stated, “As a journal co-editor, my role includes managing peer reviews and making publication decisions to uphold the journal’s high editorial standards. Behavioral public administration is a rapidly growing field of research.”
Additionally, Qu added, “What excites me about this role is that the journal aligns closely with my research interest in advancing behavioral research that bridges theory and practice in public administration and nonprofit management.”
Qu was published in JBPA in 2023 for a think piece titled “Developing the Field of Behavioral Nonprofit Management,” which reviewed the current status of behavioral research in the field of nonprofit, voluntary action, and philanthropic studies and argued that nonprofit scholarship would benefit from engaging more explicitly in behavioral approaches for empirical testing with an overall goal to increase individual, community and societal wellbeing. We congratulate Dr. Ellie Qu on her new appointment and know she will represent the university well.
View the piece here: https://www.journal-bpa.org/index.php/jbpa/article/view/314