The Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy develops research that has a meaningful impact on the nonprofit sector. This research improves Texas leaders’ understanding of the scope, structure, and capacity of nonprofits and philanthropy in Texas and beyond. Additionally, the program collaborates with a network of scholars in the field. Research articles have been published in the top national journals in the core areas of: governance, strategic management, grant making and philanthropy.

- Built for Texas Report (2023)
- Philanthropy Southwest
- Triad National Security, LLC Community Investment Impact
- Combined Arms | Collaborative Service Delivery Model
- Built for Texas Report
- Texas Nonprofit Leaders’ COVID-19 Impact Report
- The Brazos Valley Nonprofit Leaders’ Response to COVID-19 (April 2020)
- The Brazos Valley Nonprofit Leaders’ Continued Response to COVID (July 2020)
- Size and Scope of the Brazos Valley Nonprofit Sector (2018-2019)
- Texas Nonprofit Sector: Growth and Change (1995 – 2012) (2015)
- Texas Nonprofit Sector: Capacity in Nonprofit Organizations (2014)
- Texas Nonprofit Sector: Describing the Size & Scope (2013)
Dr. Will Brown
Selected Publications & Projects
- Brown, W., & Rosser, W. (2023). A Framework for Creating Systems Change. The Foundation Review, 15(4).
- Renz, D. O., Brown, W. A., & Andersson, F. O. (2022). The Evolution of Nonprofit Governance Research: Reflections, Insights, and Next Steps. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 089976402211110-089976402211110. SAGE Publications.
- Brown W.A. & Hale, M. (Eds), (2022). Preparing leaders of nonprofit organizations: Contemporary Perspectives, Routledge.
- Brown, WA, (2020). Composition on nonprofit boards: Summary of factors that account for who governs nonprofits, in H. Anheier, & S. Toepler, (Eds) Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management.
- Van Puyvelde, S., Brown, W. A., Walker, V., & Tenuta, R. (2018). Board Effectiveness in Nonprofit Organizations: Do Interactions in the Boardroom Matter?. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 47(6), 1296-1310. SAGE Publications.
- Brown, W. A (2014). Strategic Management in Nonprofit Organizations. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Dr. Ellie Heng Qu
Selected Publications & Projects
- De Wit, A., Qu, H. & Bekkers, R. (2022). The health advantage of volunteering is larger for older and less healthy volunteers in Europe: A mega-analysis. European Journal of Aging.
- Qu, H. (2022). Differential associations between volunteering and subjective well-being by labor force status: An Investigation of Experiential and Evaluative Well-Being Using Time Use Data. Journal of Happiness Studies 23, (4), 1737-1770.
- Qu, H., & Paarlberg, L. E. (2022). Community diversity and donor control: An empirical analysis of contributions to donor-advised funds at community foundations. Administration and Society, 54(5): 763-791.
- Qu, H., & Levine Daniel, J. (2021). Tangible information and charitable giving: When (Does) nonprofit overhead matter? Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 4(2).
- Qu, H., Levine Daniel, J. (2021). Is “overhead” a tainted word? A survey experiment on framing effects of nonprofit overhead and donor decisions. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 50(2): 397-419.
Dr. Robbie Robichau
Selected Publications & Projects
- Robichau, R. W.& Bryan, T.K., & Lee, J.Sharing evaluation information to strengthen nonprofit accountability: The influence of learning and data utilization practices. . Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. (Online First)
- Robichau, R. W. & Fernandez, K.(2024). Nonprofits as agents of moral authority. In E. Witesman & C. Child (Eds): Reimagining Nonprofits: Sector Theory in the Twenty-First Century (pp.394410).Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Qu, H & Robichau, R. W. (2022). Subjective well-being across the sectors: Examining differences in workers’ life satisfaction and daily experiential well-being. Review of Public Personnel Administration.
- Robichau, R.W. & Sandberg, B. (2022).Creating meaningfulness in public service work; A qualitative comparative analysis of public and nonprofit managers’ experiences of work. The American Review of Public Administration, 52(2): 122-138.
Dr. Angela Seaworth
Selected Publications & Projects
- Seaworth, Angela. (2016). Resilience in Recovery? Limited Leadership: An Examination of Houston Nonprofit Board Diversity and Whether Selection Processes and Executive Director Perceptions of Governance Models Affect Composition.
- Seaworth, A., Schlatre, K., & Zeitlow, J. (2014). Development and Finance: A House Divided?. Advancing Philanthropy. 21(2), 62-63.
- Seaworth, A. D. (2013). On the Same Page. Advancing Philanthropy. 20(2), 41-41.
- Seaworth, A. (2012). Continuing Higher Education Review, 76, 175-182.
- Seaworth, A. D. (2012). Engineering Your Nonprofit Career. Advancing Philanthropy. 19(4), 50-51.
Dr. Kenneth Anderson Taylor
Selected Publications & Projects
- Principal Investigator (2022), Nonprofit Career Development Certificate grant awarded by the OneStar Foundation; $104,000.
- Meyer, M. A., Alexander-Hawk, M., Purdum, J. C., Yelle, H., Vick, J., Rodriguez, A., Romero, S., & Taylor, K. A. (2022). Resilience in Recovery? Understanding the Extent, Structure, and Operations of Nonprofits Meant to Address Disaster Survivors’ Unmet Needs. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 089976402211382-089976402211382. Sage Publications.
- Co-Principal Investigator (2022), Assessing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Associations grant awarded by the American Society of Association Executives; $75,000.
- Co-Principal Investigator (2019), Child Care Business Training grant awarded by the Texas Workforce Commission; $1,500,000.
- Taylor, K. A. (2018). Nonprofit Donor Motivation Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, & Public Policy.
Arizona Economic Impact Report
Arkansas Economic Impact Report
Colorado Economic Impact Report
Nevada Economic Impact Report
New Mexico Economic Impact Report
Oklahoma Economic Impact Report
Texas Economic Impact Report