The 18th Annual Bank of America Program on Volunteerism, scheduled for April 2020, was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic may have caused the cancelation of the ceremony honoring the Texas A&M Women’s Soccer Team and coaching staff for their service, volunteerism, and philanthropy work, but the Center for Nonprofits & Philanthropy continues to celebrate these valued campus leaders. Texas A&M University is fortunate to have many dedicated students and athletes giving of their time, talents, and service to communities locally and worldwide. Aggie Athletes Changing the Game—Coaches and Players Impacting Lives through Philanthropy highlights and celebrates the service of the Texas A&M University Women’s Soccer team.

The Texas A&M University Soccer team leads by following the example set by Coach G Guerrieri, which extends through the entire coaching staff and student athletes. The team actively participates in these community events:
- Erin’s Dream Race—Supporting Coalition Against Childhood Cancer
- Aggies Turn It Gold Campaign—Supporting Pediatric Cancer Research
- Aggies for Haiti Mission Trip—Selfless Service by Helping Others with Mission of Home, Haiti
- The Big Event—Largest One-Day Student-Run Service Project in the Nation
- Aggie Can Food Drive—Supporting Brazos Valley Food Bank and TAMU 12th Can
- Aggie Youth Soccer Camps
- Volunteer President for Cavalry Youth Soccer Club
- Annual Fundraising for the Cavalry Charitable Golf Tournament

The event marked the 18th year of the Bank of America Program on Volunteerism. It is very unfortunate the ceremony had to be cancelled, but we continue to honor our soccer team student athletes and coaches for all their work. The Center hopes you will watch the five-minute video of several players discussing their mission and experiences with service to the community and the world.