Master of International Affairs & Public Health (Combined)

Master of International Affairs & Public Health (Combined)
Health Policy & Management Option | Health Promotion & Community Health Science Option
Admissions 🗗
Curriculum for Combined MPH-Health Policy & Management | MIA
The chart below indicates the path for students to complete the combined degree program in three years:
Fall Year 1 – PH:
14 Credit Hrs
- Two MPH Core Classes (8 credit hours)
- PHPM 605: Intro to Health & Policy Mgmt
- One Elective
Spring Year 1 – PH:
13 Credit Hrs
- MPH Core Class (1 credit hour)
- PHPM 614: Strat Planning & Marketing
- PHPM 623: Health Care Financial Mgmt I
- PHPM 640: Health Policy & Politics
- PHPM 625: Mgmt Strategies & Princ of Public Health Orgs or PHPM 637: Political Foundations of Public Health
Summer Year 1 – PH:
3 Credit Hrs
- PHPM 684: Practicum
Fall Year 2 – PH:
12 Credit Hrs
- PHPM 633: Health Law & Ethics
- PHPM 661: Intro to Health Economics
- One Elective
- INTA 606: Int’l Politics in Theory & Practice (core)
Spring Year 2 – Bush:
12 Credit Hrs
- SOPH 680: Capstone
- INTA 608: Fundamentals of Global Economy (core)
- Two Electives (INTA concentrations)
Summer Year 2 – Bush:
0 Credit Hrs
- INTA Internship or Language Immersion (required)
Fall Year 3 – Bush:
12 Credit Hrs
- BUSH 631: Quantitative Methods I
- Three Electives (INTA concentrations)
Spring Year 3 – Bush:
12 Credit Hrs
- NSD Track: INTA 605: Am Foreign Policy since WW II or IDEP Track: BUSH 635: Quant Methods II, Policy Analysis
- INTA 670: Capstone (unless waived by SOPH 680)
- Two Electives (INTA or approved)
Students’ primary enrollment will be BUSH for the final four semesters of their program (spring 2, summer 2, fall 3, spring 3). During that time students will complete 36 credits along with a required internship or language immersion (not for credit) in the second summer semester. Three of those credits will be the SPH capstone course (SOPH 680). SOPH 680 is a required course for the Master of Public Health degree with a major in health policy and management. Students will enter the Bush School with one required course for the Master of International Affairs degree (INTA 606) completed. In the three semesters of enrollment in the Bush School students will complete the remaining required courses for the degree (INTA 608, BUSH 631, BUSH 635 or INTA 605, INTA 670). Students may request a waiver of INTA 670, the capstone course requirement, if their SOPH 680 capstone course has international content. Students will also complete the two three-course concentrations required for the degree.
Students’ primary enrollment will be in the School of Public Health for the first four semesters of their program (fall 1, spring 1, summer 1, fall 2). During that time students will complete 42 credits, including all but one of the required courses for the degree. Three of those credits will be a Bush School course (INTA 606). INTA 606 is a required course for the Master of International Affairs degree and only offered in the fall semester.
With their advisor’s consent, students may take the PHPM 684 practicum course in the summer of their second year and either do an international affairs internship or language immersion in the summer of their first year, flipping summer 1 and summer 2 in the above chart.