Does your facility host wedding receptions and dances/balls?
We do not have an in-house dance floor and are not equipped to support a wedding or dances/balls.
Can my event be canceled for any reason?
Though rare and highly unlikely, there are reasons for which a confirmed event can be cancelled. The director reserves the right to cancel an event and will try to resolve any issues.
Are rates negotiable? Do you require a deposit?
The rates for the facility are fixed rates established by university administration. We do not negotiate rates, but we will help you determine the most cost-effective way to hold your event at our facility. An advance deposit is not required; however, we do require a Texas A&M University account number on necessary forms when booking.
What parking lots are we allowed to park in? What are the times we can park in those lots?
Visitor Parking (events)
Texas A&M University Transportation Services should be contacted for each event held at the APCC, as there is no free parking available for guests. Lot 43 and Fan Field are available for guests with valid Texas A&M parking passes only. Lot 41 is available for visitors to the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum during business hours only and is not available to guests visiting the APCC. The Transportation Services Special Event unit provides scheduling for parking, traffic devices and officer support for all your special event, conference and department guest needs. Requests are fulfilled based upon availability. For questions, please contact the Transportation Services visitor conference coordinator at 979.862.2551.
Visitor Parking (non events)
- Lot 41 is available for visitors to the George Bush Library and Museum during business hours only. It is not available to guests visiting the APCC but does include 15 disabled spaces.
- Students and Texas A&M employees with a valid parking permit may park in Lot 43.
- Lot 111 requires a lot specific permit and has 6 timed spaces and 8 disabled spaces available.
Accessible Parking for Individuals with Disabilities
- Disabled parking spaces are available. Designated accessible parking spaces are for the exclusive use of vehicles displaying county-issued disabled hangtags or disabled license plates in addition to a valid Texas A&M permit.
- For more information, consult Transportation Services’ page on Parking for Customers with Disabilities.
Where is the APCC located?
The APCC is located on the West Campus of Texas A&M University. The building sits next to the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum and can be accessed through two main entrances. One is located on the south side of the building behind The Day The Wall Came Down sculpture (horse statue). The other is located on the north side of the building facing Research Parkway.
Do you have internet access in the building?
The facility is equipped with wireless internet access. If you are a university employee, our building has campus access. If you are a guest in the building, we have free internet that allows access for 24 hours.
Do you allow exhibits/displays within the building?
The facility does not allow poster exhibits/sessions in the lobby. However, the facility does allow exhibits/displays in a banquet space or auditorium.
Can we hang or display decorations within the facility?
Decorations may not be affixed to walls, ceilings or stairways of the facility. No confetti, glitter or glue may be used. Use of candles or plug-in air fresheners is not permitted inside the facility. Signs, messages or other materials may be posted; displayed; distributed; or announced in, on or adjacent to the facility only in assigned locations and with prior written approval of the director. Such materials may not be fastened to any part of the facility except in spaces provided for this purpose and may not interfere with crowd movement and safety.