John Schuessler
Associate Professor, Co-director of the Albritton Center for Grand Strategy
Phone: (979) 458-1067
ALLN 1045
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John Schuessler is Associate Professor in the Department of International Affairs and Co-director of the Albritton Center for Grand Strategy at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University. Previously, he taught at the Air War College. Dr. Schuessler received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Chicago. He has been published in International Security, International Studies Review, Perspectives on Politics, St. Antony’s International Review, Strategic Studies Quarterly, and White House Studies. He is the author of Deceit on the Road to War: Presidents, Politics, and American Democracy (Cornell University Press, 2015). He has been Chair of the Foreign Policy Section of the American Political Association . His primary interests include democracy and war as well as American grand strategy.