Michael W. Howell, Associate Professor of the Practice of International Affairs and new faculty member at the Bush School, received the FBI Medal of Excellence in July 2019 just before his retirement from the Bureau. FBI Director Christopher Wray cited Agent Howell for “your sustained performance in contributions to the Dallas counterterrorism program and excellence in developing strong liaison contacts.”
During his FBI career, Mr. Howell investigated domestic and international complex crimes and terrorism as well as led and supervised training for FBI agents and support and executive personnel. His international experience includes assignments as assistant and acting legal attaché in US embassies, where he routinely provided expert advice in law enforcement and terrorism matters to US ambassadors. He also had multiple assignments in the Middle East and Europe for operations and training related to terrorism, criminal cases, and intelligence matters.
Mr. Howell will be teaching courses on terrorism and counterterrorism and international financial crime as he begins his first year as a full-time member of the Bush School faculty.