The increasing movement of people, goods, and ideas across geographical borders has put border states under significant pressure to adapt to changing realities. The Borders & Migration Program aims to develop thorough evidence on both global and local impacts of cross-border migration and cultural and economic exchange. The Borders & Migration Program is a research consortium under the guidance of the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy of the Bush School of Government and Public Service, which involves interdisciplinary faculty from departments across Texas A&M University with overlapping interests and complementary expertise.
Our principle objective is to produce better tools for decision makers and local communities to tailor policy responses which are able to further the welfare of local communities and those who migrate, with a particular emphasis on border states. To achieve our goal, the program will promote multidisciplinary research to better understand:
- Labor market integration, migration flows, and the impact of immigration policies
- The local economic and labor market outcomes
- Identity formation and integration
- The impact of migration on local communities in topics ranging from education and health to public transportation and affordable housing
Through a series of evidence-driven capacity-building efforts, policy outreach activities, high-impact learning opportunities, and scholarly engagement and exchange, we seek to shape a constructive public debate and to increase the effectiveness of policy choices.
Borders & Migration Program Director: Dr. Aileen Teague
Assistant Professor, The Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University
4220 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4220
Email: aileen.teague@tamu.edu
Phone: (979) 845-3976