Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management
Overview | Course Listings | Faculty | Testimonial
Please note, not all classes are available each semester. Please check with advisors for the most up-to-date list of courses.
Required Courses
PSAA 643: Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector
Overview of the origins, size, scope, and composition of the nonprofit and voluntary sector in American society today; introduction to the historical, political, and religious foundations of the nonprofit sector; examines theoretical and conceptual framework in this course. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 644: Management and Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations
Introduction and overview of nonprofit organizations and the environment they operate in; examination of the distinctiveness of these organizations and the special skills required for effective management of them; empirical and normative issues surrounding nonprofit management and leadership. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
Elective Courses
PSAA 602: Tools of Leadership in Public Organizations
In-depth study of public service leadership and management skills; centered primarily in the context of organizations and people engaged in governance and public service, primarily public and nonprofit sectors.
PSAA 603: Nongovernmental Organization Management in International Settings
This course explores the management of nongovernmental organizations (NGO) in international setting, with special attention to their niche alongside private and public sectors, revenue sources, impact on society and converse effects of society and its institutions. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 616: Managing Workplace Diversity in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Examination of how public policy issues are contested and shaped by the major cleavages in American society, such as race and ethnicity, economic and social class, and gender; strategies for building consensus across these divisions.
PSAA 626: Contract Management
Fundamentals of the contracting and procurement processes; exploration of the authority of government agents to contract; examination of remedies in government contracting, including the Government Accountability Office’s protest system and actions in federal courts; focuses on the federal level but applicable to state and local levels.
PSAA 630: Program Evaluation in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Organizations today are responding to increasing demands for accountability. These demands come from an increasingly sophisticated public and clientele, and from funding sources including government, foundations, and corporations. This course is designed to introduce theories, research, and practice for program evaluation and systems that support the organization’s information needs. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 631: Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations
Provides overviews and examines the underlying fundamental principles, concepts, and methods of strategic marketing as it is associated with the nonprofit sector. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 632: Fiscal Management for Nonprofits
Introduction to the underlying fundamental principles, concepts and methods of managerial finance in nonprofit organizations; interpretation and evaluation of the financial reports to inform strategic decision-making in planning and budgeting.
PSAA 633: Philanthropy: Fundraising in Nonprofit Organizations
This course examines the theory and practice of fundraising in nonprofit organizations. It provides students with an overview of fundraising strategies and techniques, and of how they relate to the achievement of organizational goals. It also focuses on ways of integrating various fundraising activities into an effective fundraising program. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 635: Social Welfare and Health Policy
Course explores the historical development and impact of U.S. public welfare, child welfare, employment, and health social service programs. Course analyzes values and assumptions that formed the foundations of social welfare policy and explores the social, economic, political, and cultural context in which these policies developed and their potential future. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 636: Grant and Project Management for the Public and Nonprofit Sector
Examination of the use and provision of grants in the public and nonprofit sectors; exploration of the conceptual background of government and private grants; the management of grants and projects; application of skills and methods related to proposal writing needs statements, program budgets and evaluations.
PSAA 642: Ethics in Public Policy
Theory and practice for analyzing and responding to the ethical responsibilities and dilemmas for professional conduct; ethical dimensions of analysis and decision making for policy makers and public administrators. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 648: Performance Management in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors
Drawing on readings, practical exercises, and guest lectures, students will examine public sector performance management and measurement as tools for improving strategic planning, resource allocation, organizational learning, internal operational processes, and internal and external accountability. Students will apply their learning to the development of a particular organization’s performance measurement system. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 649: Volunteer and Human Resources in Nonprofit Organizations
Introduces theories, research and practice for managing personnel and human resources for paid and volunteer staff in nonprofit settings; explores the behaviors and cognitions of participants in nonprofit organizations, the motivational and personnel programs required by the organization, and the managerial strategies for effective human resources management. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.
PSAA 669: Legal Environment of Nonprofit Management
Laws, policies, and ideals affecting the creation and governance of nonprofit organizations; includes medical, education, cultural, social, religious, and advocacy organizations; considers these organizations’ contributions to society, how they cooperate with or rival for-profit entities, and how they should be governed. Prerequisite: Graduate classification.