Faculty Research
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Find the most recent Bush School grant & award entries below via Scholars@TAMU.
Note: Grants on Scholars@TAMU are not organized by department on the public UI because it’s designated sensitive data. Awards have been recently added to Scholars@TAMU and will be organized by department in the future.
- Bowman, Ann O’M, Kent E. Portney, and Sierra Woodruff. “Advancing the Measurement of Urban Resilience: A Resilient City Policy Index.” TAMU T3 grant. $30,000.
- Brown, William, and M. Engle. “Board Member Competencies and Selection: Helping Associations Build a Stronger Board.” American Society for Association Executives. 2017. $79,212.
- Castillo, Jasen. “Rethinking Nuclear Strategy.” Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters, U.S. Department of Defense. $62,000.
- Dague, Laura. “Global Health and the Humanities.” With Jessica Howell and Violet Johnson. T3: Texas A&M Triads for Transformation, 2018 – 22019. $30,000.
- Dague, Laura. Texas Lyceum Fellowship Supervisor, Fellow Ashley Thomas, 2017–2018. $10,000.
- Dague, Laura. Contract for Program Evaluation for Wisconsin’s 2014 Medicaid 1115 Demonstration Waiver, BadgerCare Reform. Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 2015– 2019. Co-investigator at ~20% FTE.
- Dague, Laura, and Marguerite Burns. “Medicaid Eligibility and Entry and Exit to State Supplemental Security Income Programs.” Collaborative on Health Reform and Independent Living, 2017–2018. $20,000.
- Dague, Laura, and Marguerite Burns. “Public Health Insurance, Health Status, and Retirement Decisions.” NBER Retirement Research Center/Social Security Administration, 2017. $28,527.72.
- Eckstein, Gabriel, Mary Hilderbrand, and Kent E. Portney. “Towards a Texas-Mexico Transboundary.” Texas A&M Law School and Bush School Research Award, 2016–2018. $50,000.
- Gottlieb, Jessica. “Formalization, Tax Appeals and Voluntary Compliance in Lagos, Nigeria.” Department of International Development, United Kingdom. $88,238.50.
- Hong, Yan, Xinsheng Liu, and Huiyan Sang. “The Trend of Digital Divide and Health Disparities in the US: A Longitudinal Study of eHealth Behavior and Policy in the Past Decade.” TAMU PESCA Grant, 2017–2018. $25,000.
- Natsios, Andrew. Scowcroft Institute. Marcus Foundation. $150,000.
- Natsios, Andrew. Global Pandemic Initiative, Scowcroft Institute. Borsage Foundation. $167,000.
- Natsios, Andrew. Global Pandemic Initiative, Scowcroft Institute. TAMU System. $100,000.
- Mu, Ren. “Rural-to-Urban Migration and the Provision of Local Public Goods: Evidence from Rural China.” Development Policy Group, The World Bank. $100,000.
- Portney, Kent E. “Gene Drive Applications to Agriculture in Texas: Knowledge, Perceptions, and Values Program Area Priority: Social Implications of Emerging Technologies.” With Zachary Adelman, Department of Entomology, TAMU; Elizabeth Heitman, UT-SW Medical Center; and others. USDA AFRI NIFA program. Funded.
- Portney, Kent E. “Measuring Urban Resilience Policy Committee in US Cities.” With Ann Bowman and Sierra Woodruff, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M. Submitted to the TAMU T3 grant program. Funded.
- Portney, Kent E. “Precise Advanced Technologies and Health Systems for Underserved Populations” (PATHS-UP) project. Submitted to NSF Engineering Research Center program. Funded.
- Portney, Kent E., Jeryl Mumpower, Arnold Vedlitz, and Bryce Hannibal. “Risk Perception, Threat, and Anxiety Decay in Lone-Wolf Terrorist Events in the U.S.” National Science Foundation, SES—Decision Risk and Management Science, 2016–2018. $186,106.
- Portney, Kent E., Arnold Vedlitz, Carol Goldsmith, Xinsheng Liu, and Bryce Hannibal. “Gene Drive Applications to Agriculture in Texas: Knowledge, Perception and Values.” National Institute of Food and Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture, 2018– 2021. $497,397.
- Robertson, Raymond. “Are Mexican and U.S. Workers Complements or Substitutes?” SMU Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center. $6,000.
- Robertson, Raymond. “Mexican Immigration Policy—Comparative Diagnosis of Immigration Policy.” Instituto Technologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. $57,803.
- Ross, Andrew. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory contract award for National Security Affairs Program. $165,818.00.
- Ross, Andrew. Sandia National Laboratories contract award for National Security Affairs Program. $27,637.00.
- Tabaar, Mohammad Ayatollahi. Fellow, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University. $934,496.50.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. Center for Translational Environmental Health Research. National Institute of Environmental Health Science, National Institutes of Health, 2014–2018. $4,397,676.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, Kent E. Portney, and Carol Goldsmith. “Precise Advanced Technologies in Health Systems for Underserved Populations.” National Science Foundation Engineering
- Research Center Program, 2017–2022. $19,750,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, and Bryce Hannibal. “Assessment of Risks and Vulnerability in Coupled Human-Physical Networks of Houston’s Flood Protection, Emergency Response, and
- Transportation Infrastructure in Hurricane Harvey.” National Science Foundation, 2017–2018. $189,000.
- Woodruff, Sierra, Kent E. Portney, and Ann O’M. Bowman. “Measuring Urban Resilience Policies and Programs in U.S. Cities.” With Garett Sansom and Bryce Hannibal. TAMU T3 grant program, 2018–2019. $30,000.
- Brown, William and Mark Engle. Board Member Competencies and Selection: Helping Associations Build a Stronger Board. American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), $74,712.
- Castillo, Jasen. Rethinking nuclear strategy, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters, U.S. Department of Defense, $78,060 (annual value).
- Gottlieb, Jessica. Urban Poverty, Health and Sanitation, TAMU seed grant, $10,000.
- Hamie, C. Silva. Medical ethics in light of the refugee crisis, TAMU seed grant, $20,000.
- Hudson, Valerie. Support for Program on Women, Peace and Security, Compton Foundation, $100,000.
- Hudson, Valerie. Fulbright Distinguished Chair in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, The Australian National University.
- Layne, Christopher. Research Support for Project on American Grand Strategy, Charles Koch Foundation, $155,000.
- Liu, Xinsheng, and Ren Mu. “The China Survey of Governance and Public Policy Survey.” Transformation of Democracy Research Program. 2015 – 2017: $75,000.
- Mu, Ren. Rural to Urban Migration and the Provision of Local Public Goods: Evidence from Rural China, Development Policy Group, $100,000.
- Natsios, Andrew. Global Pandemic Initiative, TAMU System Chancellor’s Research Grant, $250,000.
- Natsios, Andrew. Marcus Family Foundation support of the Bush School pandemic, biosecurity, and international NGO efforts, $900,000.
- Portney, Kent E., Jeryl Mumpower, Arnold Vedlitz, and Bryce Hannibal. “Risk Perception, Threat, and Anxiety Decay in Lone-Wolf Terrorist Events in the US.” National Science Foundation, SES—Decision Risk and Management Science. 2016 – 2018, $186,016.
- Robertson, Raymond. Cuban Sugar Exports and Production, TAMU PESCA Grant, $50,000.
- Robertson, Raymond. Mexican Immigration Policy, Ethos Laboratorio de Politicas Publicas (Mexico), $57,803.
- Ross, Andrew. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory contract award for National Security Affairs Program, June 9, 2016 to May 31, 2017, $326,341.
- Ross, Andrew. Sandia National Laboratories contract award for National Security Affairs Program, May 29, 2016 to May 29, 2017, $100,619.
- Tabaar, Mohammad. Affiliated Fellow, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Center for Translational Environmental Health Research.” National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. 2014 – 2018, $4,397,676.
- Gawande, Kishore. “Analyzing Best Practices in Government Public Safety Agencies,” Accenture, $10,000.
- Lahey, Joanna and Doug Oxley. “Interview Decisions and Hiring,” Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, $116,201.
- Sievert, Ronald. “Center for the Study of Intelligence: Lessons Learned Program,” Central Intelligence Agency, $10,000.
- Caudle, Sharon. “Establishing a Metric to Assess Preparedness,” Congressional Research Service, $6,000.
- Mac Namee, Richard. “Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) Nuclear Security Education Program,” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in partnership with the Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute, $107,315.
- Castillo, Jasen. “What to Cut and How to Cut? Historical Lessons from Past Reductions in Intelligence Community,” RAND Corporation, $6,000.
- Hermann, Chuck. “National Security Leadership Program,” Sandia National Laboratory, $54,998.
- Bies, Angela. “Help Establishing Responsive Orders Ensuring Support (HEROES) for Children in Military Families,” Texas Attorney General’s Office, $180,000.
- Bies, Angela. – “A Statewide Study on the Nonprofit Infrastructure in Texas.” The OneStar Foundation and Meadows Foundations, $23,000.
- Robinson, Scott. “Evacuation Hosting and Inter-organizational Collaborative Capacity.” Submitted to the NSF – Program in Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events with a Team from the Stephenson Disaster Management Institute (LSU), $320,000.
- Robinson, Scott. “H1N1 Preparedness, School Closures, and Rural Public Health Networks.” Natural Hazards Center, $2,000.
- Brown, William A. “Developing Emerging Leaders in Nonprofit Organizations.” OneStar Foundation, $70,221.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, and Eric Lindquist. “A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focusing on Interdicting Shielded HEU.” National Science Foundation/ Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and Department of Homeland Security, $7,200,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, Eric Lindquist, and Xinsheng Liu. “Utilization of Science-based Information on Climate Change in Decision Making and the Public Policy Process, Phase 2.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $940,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, and Eric Lindquist. “Climate Change, Drought and Policy Making in the U.S. Southern Region.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $720,560.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Public Understanding of Air Quality Issues in Texas, Phase V.” Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, in partnership with the Texas Transportation Institute, $95,000.
- Brown, William A. “Developing Emerging Leaders in Nonprofit Organizations.” OneStar Foundation, $70,221.
- Lindquist, Eric. “Mileage-based User Fee Pilot Project: Rural/Small Urban Area Application in Northeast Texas.” University Transportation Center for Mobility. Co-Principal Investigator.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, and Eric Lindquist. “A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focusing on Interdicting Shielded HEU.” National Science Foundation/Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and Department of Homeland Security, $7,200,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, Eric Lindquist, and Xinsheng Liu. “Utilization of Science-based Information on Climate Change in Decision Making and the Public Policy Process, Phase 2.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $940,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, and Eric Lindquist. “Climate Change, Drought and Policy Making in the U.S. Southern Region.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $720,560.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Public Understanding of Air Quality Issues in Texas, Phase V.” Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, in partnership with the Texas Transportation Institute, $95,000.
- Dorch, Edwina. “The Effectiveness of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program in Louisiana and Mississippi Post Katrina.” Congressional Research Service, $15,000.
- Robinson, Scott E. “The Dynamics of Collaboration in Emergency Planning for America’s Schools.” National Science Foundation, $95,000.
- Scobell, Andrew. “What Drives Chinese Foreign Policy?” Smith Richardson Foundation and book contract by Columbia University Press [with co-principal investigator, Andrew J. Nathan], $150,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Advancing the Resilience of Coastal Localities: Developing, Implementing and Sustaining the Use of Coastal Resilience Indicators.” National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, $350,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focused on Interdicting Shielded HEU.” National Science Foundation/ Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, $7,200,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Public Understanding of Air Quality Issues in Texas, Phase IV.” Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the Texas Transportation Institute, $105,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Use of Science in Gulf of Mexico Decision Making Involving Climate Change.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, $1,500,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Utilization of Science-Based Information on Climate Change in Decision Making and the Public Policy Process, Phase 1.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $940,000.
- Bies, Angela. “Nonprofit Capacity Building in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Region.” Minnesota Council of Nonprofits / The Otto Bremer Foundation, $16,300.
- Bies, Angela, and Sarah Jane Rehnborg. “Nonprofit Capacity Building in the Central Texas Region.” RGK Center on Philanthropy, $15,000.
- Dean, Wesley et al. [Bo Norby, W. Alex McIntosh, and H. Morgan Scott]. “Resolving the Social Factors Influencing Variable Compliance and Risk Communication in Foreign Animal Disease Defense Programs.” U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), $362,990.
- Dean, Wesley, et al. [Paul Byrne, Timothy Lambert, Jeanne Van der Zalm, Brendan Leier, Wendy Austin, Tracey Bailey, and Jaro Kotalik]. “Risk, Informed Consent, and the Adoption and Diffusion of New Medical Technologies.” Health Canada, $48,632.
- Lindquist, Eric. “NER: Contours of Nano-Problems and Solutions and the Societal and Educational Challenge of Active Nanoscale Technology.” National Science Foundation (NSF), $74,518.
- Lindquist, Eric. ” Graduate Course Development: Transportation Policy and Politics.” Southwest Region University Transportation Center (SWUTC), $6,000.
- Lindquist, Eric, and Arnold Vedlitz. “Climate Change/Variability Science and Adaptive Strategies for State and Regional Transportation.” Southwest Region University Transportation Center (SWUTC), $50,000.
- Lindquist, Eric, and Arnold Vedlitz. “Transportation Planning, Policy and Climate Change: Making the Long Term Connection.” University Transportation Center for Mobility (UTCM), $50,000.
- Lindquist, Eric, and Ginger Goodin (Texas Transportation Institute). “Mileage-Based User Fee Pilot Project: Rural/Small Urban Area Application in Northeast Texas.” University Transportation Center for Mobility (UTCM), $50,000.
- Murray, Sheila . “Property Taxes: In Decline or Budget Savior?” Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, $50,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Public Understanding of Air Quality Issues in Texas, Phase IV.” Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), $105,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold, Eric Lindquist and Chris Sprecher. “A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focused on Interdicting Shielded HEU.” National Science Foundation, and the Department of Homeland Security, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, $486,266.00.
- Vedlitz, Arnold et al. [Walter Peacock, Sammy Zahran, Sam Brody, William Merrell, William Seitz, and Robert Stickney]. “Advancing the Resilience of Coastal Localities: Developing, Implementing and Sustaining the Use of Coastal Resilience Indicators.” NOAA FY 2007 Information Resource Supporting the Resiliency of Coastal Areas in the U.S. Portion of the Gulf of Mexico, $350,000.
- Bies, Angela. “Analysis of the Nonprofit Capacity-Building ‘Industry,’ Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota Region.” Forbes Funds, $3,700.
- Bies, Angela, and Judith Miller-Millesen. “Nonprofit Capacity Building in the Pittsburgh Region: Incentives, Learning, and Benchmarking.” Forbes Funds, $27,104.
- Desch, Michael C., Roman Popadiuk, and Michael Absher. “The History and Effectiveness of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).” Richard Lounsbery Foundation, $124,000.
- Gawande, Kishore, Carol Silva, Gina Reinhardt, and Domonic Bearfield. “Katrina and Rita: The Impact of Exogenous Shocks on Risk Assessment.” National Science Foundation, $114,900.
- Jenkins-Smith, Hank, and Kishore Gawande. “Environmental Risk Perceptions and Market Valuation.” National Science Foundation, $275,000.
- Jenkins-Smith, Hank, Carol Silva, and Kerry Herron. “National Security Survey 2006.” Sandia National Laboratories, $213,000.
- Murray, Sheila E. “The Insurance Value of Property Tax.” Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, $35,000.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. “Science, Drought and Decision Making in the Southern Region of the U.S.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, $775,000.