Master of Public Service & Administration
Master of Public Service & Administration
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Become a 21st century principled leader in the field of Nonprofits & Philanthropy with our top-20 ranked master’s degree (U.S. News & World Report, 2024). The Nonprofit Management (NPM) Track provides students with an understanding of the role of the nonprofit sector as it has evolved and the distinctive character of nonprofit management and the challenges it must address. Discussions include the variation of structures and activities of assorted nonprofit organizations. It also examines development, political activities, and other dimensions of the relationship between nonprofit organizations and their environments.
The Public Management (PM) track focuses on the capabilities required for effective and ethical leadership in the public and nonprofit sectors. These include knowledge and skills pertaining to the internal operation of public-service organizations and to the relationship between those organizations and their operating environments.
The Public Policy Analysis (PPA) track offers students an in-depth understanding of how decision makers can assess policy choices. It includes a consideration of why government should or should not take action in response to particular problems. It also familiarizes students with specific evaluative techniques such as cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and risk assessment. Students have numerous opportunities to apply what they learn to current policy issues. In 2023, the Public Policy Analysis master’s program was ranked no. 21 in the nation among public universities by U.S. News & World Report, 2024.
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