On April 27, sixty-seven Bush School students received the Dean’s Leadership Certificate as part of the Bush School’s Public Service Leadership Program (PSLP). The awards were presented by Dr. Joe Cerami , PSLP director; Holly Kasperbauer, PSLP assistant director; Dr. Bill West, PSAA interim department head; Dr. Greg Gause, INTA department head; and Dean Ryan Crocker. The students will graduate in May after completing the Master of Public Service and Administration or Master of International Affairs. Twenty-eight students were from the PSAA program, and thirty-nine students were from the INTA program.
To receive the leadership certificate, students develop an individual leadership plan, participate in workshops and coaching sessions, and demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning and leadership development through participation in service and leadership activities. Using the results of a self-evaluation and what they learn in workshops and individual leadership coaching sessions, they demonstrate their commitment to leadership development by taking part in public service leadership projects . This program is led by Col . Joe Cerami along with Holly Kasperbauer.
Betty Stanton, second-year PSAA student, also received the Writing Portfolio Certificate, which is awarded to students who elect to develop a writing portfolio in addition to their degree program requirements. With the help of the Bush School’s Writing Program, led by Cindy Raisor and Kara Socol, Stanton completed an electronic portfolio containing writing samples and reflective essays. The writing portfolio includes samples of work that will be useful as she seeks employment after graduation.
“It truly is a testament to the Bush School’s commitment to public service and leadership that we have so many students graduating with the Dean’s Leadership Certificate,” said Bush School Dean Ryan Crocker. “These students went above and beyond what was expected of them, and I look forward to hearing about their contributions to public service in the future.”