One of the first activities of the new semester saw new and returning Bush School students helping the Brazos Valley Food Bank. In record time, the students put together 200 family boxes of nonperishable foods to be distributed to needy families. The Food Bank is a central distribution site in the Brazos Valley that unites food donors, volunteers, and hunger-relief agencies in reclaiming and distributing surplus food to nonprofit organizations and church sponsored pantries that provide food to those in need.
The event was just one of many projects conducted by the School’s Public Service Organization (PSO), which coordinates student volunteer efforts. In addition to the valuable assistance given to the Food Bank, this first volunteer opportunity of the new academic year was also a chance for first- and second-year students to get together and begin building relationships.
“I wanted our first volunteer event to be in an informal setting, to show how much we care about serving the Brazos Valley community and how committed the Bush School is to public service,” said Gabriella Medina, executive chairman of the PSO. “It was fun, and the new students were able to learn about Bush School faculty and courses and how to ‘survive’ graduate school,” she added. The work was followed by lunch at Rudy’s Barbecue, and each student who participated will receive a “service” badge.
Inspired by President G.H.W. Bush’s vision of public service as a noble calling and committed to its mission, the Bush School offers a comprehensive educational experience designed to cultivate professionalism and principle in public service. The Bush School is now ranked in the top 12 percent of the 266 graduate public affairs schools in the nation, according to rankings published in US News & World Report magazine. The School now ranks thirty-third among both public and private public affairs graduate programs and twenty-first among public universities. More information about the Bush School can be found at http://bush.tamu.edu/