The Texas State Senate honored seven Bush School Master of Public Service and Administration students for their service during the 82nd Legislative session with a resolution passed on May 9. Authored by State Senator Eddie Lucio from Brownsville, the resolution “…commended these outstanding students for their service…and wished them continued success.”
The students were part of the first Bush Legislative Capstone Program, which brought them to the capitol to work closely with legislators, committees, and agencies. Those recognized for their efforts this session were: James R. Close, Houston, Senate Committee on International Relations and Trade; D. Benjamin Maddox, San Antonio, office of Rep. Diane Patrick; Nicholas D. Norboge, Wimberly, legislative liaison for the Texas Transportation Institute; Brady D. Olsen, Haltom City, Legislative Budget Board; Katherine Vedlitz, College Station, office of the House Democratic Caucus; Michael Walter, Houston, House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety; and Craig Welkener, Allen, legislative analyst with Texas Transportation Institute.
Dr. Ann Bowman leads this capstone project. “This is an example of the kind of direct involvement in public policy that the capstone process provides for our students,” she said. “Being engaged with a legislative body during a particularly challenging session gives them experience that enhances their academic knowledge,” she added.