A new issue of The Takeaway explores the rise of green bond financing and ESG investing, including their usefulness in public finance and the need for better regulation and labeling.
COLLEGE STATION, TX (October 20, 2023) – There is increasing market demand and political wariness for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments. The most recent issue of The Takeaway, “ESG and Green Bonds in Public Finance,” describes why these non-traditional factors are increasingly relevant in financial analysis. The authors also relate current efforts to regulate and standardize ESG and green bond labeling and metrics, while cautioning that blanket regulation may satisfy neither ESG investor motivations nor market demands.
The article was written by Noel Nelson, a financial analyst at USAA in the Chief Investment Office and a Mays Business School graduate, and Robert A. Greer, an associate professor in the Bush School of Government & Public Service and a Mosbacher Research Fellow. The Takeaway is a publication of the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy at the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M Unviersity.