James W. Stoutenborough, ISTPP Postdoctoral Research Associate, presented two papers at the 71st annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, held April 11-14, 2013, in Chicago, Illinois. All of these papers draw upon Institute research project data. In keeping with ISTPP’s mentoring of future policy makers, ISTPP undergraduate student worker, Shelbi Sturgess, is a […]
ISTPP Researchers Publish in Risk Analysis
The authors used data from a national survey of US adults to assess perceived risks and willingness to pay for four terrorist threats: poisoned water supply; explosion of a small nuclear device in a major US city; an airplane attack similar to 9/11; and explosion of a bomb in a building, train, subway, or highway. […]
ISTPP Climate Change Research Published in Sociological Spectrum
ISTPP former Postdoc Sam Park and ISTPP Director Arnold Vedlitz published their research about climate hazards and risk status in Sociological Spectrum. The authors investigate the ways in which major physical and locational climate change vulnerabilities that individuals face, and the greater information they have on these vulnerabilities, affect personal and political behaviors. The authors […]
ISTPP Remembers Research Colleague, Paul A. Sabatier, 1944-2013
Paul A. Sabatier died February 3, 2013 after a long illness. Dr. Sabatier was a key contributor and member of a multidisciplinary team on an ISTPP EPA-funded watershed management project. Project researchers implemented a collaborative approach to watershed management that used extensive feedback from multiple stakeholders. The results of this project germinated into a well-received […]
ISTPP Research Based on NOAA Grants Published in Journal of Theoretical Politics
ISTPP Director, Dr. Arnold Vedlitz; his ISTPP colleague, Dr. Xinsheng Liu; former ISTPP graduate student, Charles Lindsey (now with STATA Corp); and the late ISTPP Fellow, Dr. Melvin J. Hinich recently published “Beyond the Left-Right Cleavage: Exploring American Political Choice Space” in the Journal of Theoretical Politics. Applying spatial choice theory and using data from two […]
ISTPP and Energy Institute Energy Survey in the News
Results from ISTPP’s National Public Energy Survey have drawn the attention of the media. The survey examines the public’s attitudes regarding several energy topics including issues resulting from energy generation; sources of information about energy issues; knowledge, perceived risks and environmental impacts of energy sources; energy policy preferences; and willingness to pay for or alter […]
ISTPP Researcher Liu Presents at Beijing Forum 2012
Dr. Xinsheng Liu, ISTPP Associate Research Scientist, attended the Beijing Forum held in China on November 1-4, 2012. Beijing Forum, an internationally renowned conference sponsored by Peking University, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, brings together researchers and practitioners to promote world-class scholarship and enhance academic research in the humanities […]
ISTPP Director Vedlitz Featured in Texas A&M’s Online Magazine
Dr. Vedlitz has been honored with several articles in TAMUTIMES, the on-line Texas A&M University magazine. Dr. Vedlitz’s long-time service to the university and his pivotal role in the creation of The Bush School and ISTPP are highlighted on the Faculty/Staff page. This is the second time the ISTPP Director has been featured in tamuTIMES. The magazine […]
Texas A&M Energy Report
Texas A&M poll shows Americans support renewable energy — but don’t want to pay for it at the pump A Texas A&M University National Energy Opinion Poll shows that most Americans are in favor of policies supporting the development of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, but not if it means increasing the price of […]
ISTPP Researchers and Fellow Publish JPART Article on Public Trust in DHS
Dr. Scott Robinson (Associate Professor Bush School and ISTPP Fellow) and ISTPP scholars Dr. Xinsheng Liu, Dr. James Stoutenborough, and Dr. Arnold Vedlitz explore determinants for the public’s trust in government agencies in their article, “Explaining Popular Trust in the Department of Homeland Security.” They find that political attitudes, policy salience, religiosity, and demographic make-up […]