The Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy (ISTPP) continues to publish articles in scholarly journals based on its many funded research projects. The most recent publications from ISTPP are in the peer-reviewed journals Political Research Quarterly and the Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
“Explaining Media and Congressional Attention to Global Climate Change, 1969-2005: An Empirical Test of Agenda-Setting Theory” by Xinsheng Liu, Eric Lindquist, and Arnold Vedlitz appears in the June 2011 issue of Political Research Quarterly. This article draws upon the Institute’s research for the project Utilization of Science-based Information on Climate Change in Decision Making and the Public Policy Process, funded by NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Along with Bush School associate professor Scott Robinson, ISTPP’s Xinsheng Liu and Arnold Vedlitz co-authored “Public Support for the Department of Homeland Security,” recently published in the Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. This article is based upon research conducted for the SHIELD (Smuggled HEU Interdiction through Enhanced anaLysis and Detectors) project at Texas A&M University, which is funded through a joint Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)/National Science Foundation (NSF) initiative.
Citations for both articles, available online, are:
- Robinson, Scott E., X. Liu, and A. Vedlitz. 2011. “Public Support for the Department of Homeland Security,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 8 (1), Article 21.
- Robinson, Scott E., X. Liu, and A. Vedlitz. 2011. “Public Support for the Department of Homeland Security,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 8 (1), Article 21.
- Liu, X., E. Lindquist, and A. Vedlitz. 2011. “Explaining Media and Congressional Attention to Global Climate Change, 1969-2005: An Empirical Test of Agenda Setting Theory.” Political Research Quarterly 64 (2): 405-19. DOI 10.1177/1065912909346744.