Doctors Li (TAMU), Fuhrmann (TAMU), and Early (SUNY), along with ISTPP Director, Dr. Vedlitz, had their manuscript “Preferences, Knowledge, and Citizen Assessments of the Terrorism Risks of Nuclear Power issued by Review of Policy Research. The researchers evaluate the interplay of the US publics’ knowledge about terrorism and nuclear security with their concerns about energy and terrorism in the ways that citizens assess the risk of national security issues. They find that people who are less concerned about terrorism and nuclear security assign a lower risk to terrorists striking a nuclear power plant. The authors based their scholarship on a national public survey funded by a grant awarded through the US Department of Homeland Security.
Article citation: Li, Quon, Matthew Fuhrmann, Bryan R. Early, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2012. “Preferences, Knowledge, and Citizen Assessments of the Terrorism Risks of Nuclear Power.” Review of Policy Research 29(2): 207-227. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-1338.2011.00552.x