On Tuesday, October 28, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), Yukiya Amano, spoke at the Bush School of Government and Public Service as part of his visit to Texas A&M University. His stop at Texas A&M University was the first time the Director General had visited a public US university.
The IAEA, known as the “Atoms for Peace” organization with the United Nations, works with member states and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure, and peaceful use of nuclear technologies. Amano has, as Director General of IAEA since 2009, a position that also grants him ambassador status.
During his three-day visit, Ambassador Amano visited and received briefings at the Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute, operated by the Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University; the Texas A&M School of Public Health; College of Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Imaging & Cancer Treatment Center; and Emergency Operations Training Center, operated by the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service.
Following his campus briefings, Ambassador Amano presented an “Atoms for Peace” lecture at the Bush School. Prior to his lecture, he met with key Bush School officials regarding the future of nuclear technology policies. After the lecture, the Bush School hosted a Q&A session for attendees with Ambassador Amano.
Texas A&M University is the only university in the region that offers an academic degree in nuclear engineering and operates a high-energy cyclotron and two nuclear reactors.