This week the Bush School welcomed 110 new students during new student orientation. The Bush School class of 2012 adds diversity and experience to the School’s student body. These students come from varied academic disciplines, possess professional and military work experience, and demonstrate exceptional aptitude for critical thinking and languages.
The incoming students launched their Bush School career at a four-day orientation session. Dean Ryan Crocker personally welcomed the students, encouraging them to engage in the array of opportunities at the Bush School and on the greater Texas A&M campus. He noted that it is a rare privilege to have the School’s namesake, George Bush, 41st President of the United States, on campus interacting with students. Dean Crocker emphasized President Bush’s embodiment of public service and his vision to educate principled leaders committed to public service.
In addition to faculty and staff sessions on professionalism, ethics, and integrity, students interacted in various teamwork and discussion settings. Jeryl Mumpower, MPSA director, and Charles
Hermann, MPIA director, led discussion groups on Three Cups of Tea, the #1 New York Times bestseller written by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Incoming students were asked to read the book and then discussed related issues of diversity and globalization with their new classmates.
The 58 new MPIA students and the 52 new MPSA students participated in a ChallengeWorks teambuilding exercise, got their first taste of the Bush School Leadership Program, and enjoyed an evening reception with faculty at Madden’s Casual Gourmet.
“The orientation week emphasized the Bush School’s welcoming Texas hospitality,” said Bill Tim Munns, an incoming MPSA ’12 student. “I look forward to developing as a young professional among colleagues and professors who value both academic excellence and the spirit of public service.” Munns is from Hansel Valley, Utah, and is a May 2010 graduate of Utah State University. He is pursuing the public management track with a nonprofit management concentration.