- Liu, Xinsheng. (2024). “Threat Perception, Issue Knowledge, and Public Coproduction Preferences: Evidence from a National Public Survey on Environmental Health.” Paper presented at annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 4-8, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Paper co-authored with Rotem Dvir and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Taiping Ding, Youlang Zhang, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2024. “Tainted Trust: Air Pollution and Political Trust in China,” Environmental Politics, 1-21.
- Zhang, Youlang and Xinsheng Liu. 2024. “How Does a Focusing Event Shape Public Opinion? Natural Experimental Evidence from the Orlando Mass Shooting,” Policy Studies Journal, 1-27.
- Mu, Ren, and Xinsheng Liu. 2024. “Perceived Returns to College Education by Ethnicity: Evidence from China,” Economics Letters 236: 111625
- Dvir, Rotem, Arnold Vedlitz, and Xinyue Ye. 2024. “Worried (and) Sick: How Environmental Hazards Affect Americans’ Health-related Risk Attitudes.” Urban Infomatics 3, 26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44212-024-00057-5
- Zhang, Youlang and Xinsheng Liu. “How Does a Focusing Event Shape Public Opinion? Natural Experimental Evidence from the Orlando Mass Shooting.” Policy Studies Journal. (2024): Early view online http://doi.org/10.1111/psj.12543
- Buchman, Leah W., Carol L. Goldsmith, Elizabeth Heitman, Ki Eun Kang, and Xinsheng Liu. 2024. “Public Trust in Regulatory Agencies and Support for Policies on Agricultural Gene Drive.” Review of Policy Research, (2024): 00, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1111/ropr.12610
- Kang , Ki Eun and Arnold Vedlitz. 2024. “Public Reaction to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Citizen Assessments of Four Different Types of PPPs and Policy Support.” Policy Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2024.2302439
- Hyunseok Hwang, R. Partick Bixler, William A. Brown and Arnold Vedlitz. 2023. “How to Activate Nonprofit Beneficiaries for Community Resilience? Examining the Role of Risk Perception and Evaluation of Nonprofit Services on Prosocial Behavior in the Context of Natural Hazards.” Sociological Spectrum, DOI: 10.1080/02732173.2023.2279968
- Patrascu, Flavia Iona, Ali Mostafavi and Arnold Vedlitz. 2023. “Disparities in Access and Association between Access to Critical Facilities during Day-to-Day and Disrupted Access as a Result of Storm Extreme Weather Events.” Heliyon, 9:e18841. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18841
- Liu, Xinsheng, Carol L. Goldsmith, Ki Eun Kang, Arnold Vedlitz, Zachary N. Adelman, Leah W. Buchman, Elizabeth Heitman, Raul F. Medina, 2023. “General Science-Technology Orientation, Specific Benefit–Risk Assessment Frame, and Public Acceptance of Gene Drive Biotechnology.” Risk Analysis, 00, 1–15. DOI: 10.1111/risa.14242
- Kang, Ki Eun., Arnold Vedlitz., Carol L. Goldsmith and Ian Seavey. 2023. “Optimism and Pessimism toward Science: A New Way to Look at the Public’s Evaluations of Science and Technology Discoveries and Recommendations. Politics and the Life Sciences, 1-20. doi:10.1017/pls.2023.9
- Dvir, Rotem, Xinsheng Liu and Arnold Vedlitz. 2023. “Exploring Public Participation Modes in Government: The Case of Infrastructure Policies.” Public Management Review (Early view available online).
- Haglin, Kathryn, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2023. “Ideology, Knowledge, and the Assessment of Science Policy Agencies.” Science and Public Policy. (early view available on line): scad020.
- Hyunseok, Hwang, Arnold Vedlitz and R. Patrick Bixler. 2023. “Growing Community Resilience from the Grassroots: Risk Awareness, Confidence in Institutions, and Civic Participation in a Natural Hazards Context.” Natural Hazards Review 24(3). (Early view available online).
- Kang, Ki Eun and Kyungha Lee. 2023. “Collaboration and Public Participation for Municipal Growth in Land Economic Development Projects.” Economic Development Quarterly. (Early view available online). https://doi.org/10.1177/08912424231159046
- Dvir, Rotem, Carol Goldsmith, Ian Seavey, Arnold Vedlitz, Julie Hammett, Samuel Bonet, Arjun Rao, Karim Zahed, and Farzan Sasangohar. 2023. “The Policy Environment of Remote Patient Monitoring: Evaluating Stakeholders’ Views.” International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 20(3): 249-275. DOI: 10.1504/IJHTM.2023.132455
- Dvir, Rotem, Carol Goldsmith, Ian Seavey and Arnold Vedlitz. 2022. “Local-level Managers’ Attitudes towards Natural Hazards Resilience: The Case of Texas.” Environmental Hazards, DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2022.2141178
- Dvir, Rotem, Arnold Vedlitz and Ali Mostafavi. 2022. “Far from Home: Infrastructure, Access to Essential Services, and Risk Perceptions about Hazard Weather Events.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Early view online): DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103185
- William, West F., Leah W. Buchman, and Raul F. Medina. 2022. “Public Deliberation and the Regulation of Gene Drive in the USA.” Science and Public Policy; scac032, DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scac032
- Homsy, George C. and Ki Eun Kang. 2022. “Zoning Incentives: Exploring a Market-Based Land Use Planning Tool.” Journal of American Planning Association. (Early view available online). DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2022.2050935
- Liu, Xinsheng. (2022.) “General Science-Technology Orientation, Specific Benefit-Risk Assessment Frame, and Public Acceptance of Gene Drive Biotechnology.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 6-10. Paper co-authored with Carol Goldsmith, Ki Eun Kang, Arnold Vedlitz, Zach Adelman, Leah Buchman, Elizabeth Heitman, and Raul Medina.
- Liu, Xinsheng and. (2022). “How Focusing Event Affects Public Opinion: Natural Experimental Evidence from the Orlando Mass Shooting.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 6-10. Paper co-authored with Youlang Zhang.
- Kang, Ki Eun and Ann Bowman. (2022). “Policy and Governance for Urban Resilience.” Paper presented at the 50th Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association in Washington DC, April 13.
- Kang, Ki Eun and Ann Bowman (2022). “Resilient Cities: Explaining Policy Adoption.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Political Science Association, March 11. Paper is coauthored with Sierra Woodruff and Bryce Hannibal.
- Goldsmith, Carol L., Ki Eun Kang, Elizabeth Heitman, Zach N. Adelman, Leah W. Buchman, David Kerns, Xinsheng Liu, Raul F. Medina, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2021. “Stakeholder Views on Engagement, Trust, Performance, and Risk Considerations About the Use for Gene Drive Technology in Agricultural Pest Management.” Health Security 20(1). DOI:10.1089/hs.2021.0101
- Alexander, Brittany. (2021). “A Bayesian Model for Inference on Multiple Panel Public Opinion Surveys.” Paper presented at the annual Southern Association for Public Opinion Research Conference October 14. Paper co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Alexander, Brittany. (2021). “Understanding Terrorism Policy Preferences through Bayesian Model Averaging and Multiple Imputation.” Paper presented at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings August 12. Paper co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Hannibal, Bryce, Sierra Woodruff, and Matthew Malecha. 2021. “The Overlap of Collaboration and Planning Networks: A Post-Harvey Study.” Journal of Planning Education and Research. (Early view available online). DOI: 10.1177%2F0739456X21995899
- Woodruff, Sierra, Ann O’M. Bowman, Bryce Hannibal, Garett Sansom, and Kent Portney. 2021.”Urban Resilience: Analyzing the Policies of U.S. Cities.” Cities. (Early view available online). DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2021.103239
- Dvir, Rotem, Nehemia Geva, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2021. “Unpacking Public Perceptions of Terrorism: Does Type of Attack Matter?” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. (Early view available online.) https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2021.1886427
- Kang, Ki Eun. (2021). “Understanding the Relationship Between Collaboration and Income Inequality in Land Development.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, April 10. Paper co-authored with Kyungha Lee.
- Portney, Kent E., and Bryce Hannibal. 2021. “Sustainability and Resilience in Cities: What Cities Are Doing.” Chapter 11 in N.J. Vig, M.E. Craft, and B.G. Rabe, eds. Environmental Policy. 11th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Kang, Ki Eun. 2021. “Local-Level Economic Development Conflicts: Factors that Influence Interactions with Private Land Developers.” Urban Affairs Review (Early view available online). DOI: 10.1177/1078087421991240
- Lee, Young-joo and Hwang, Hyunseok. 2020. “Loaded Dice: Pandemics and Economic Inequalities.” International Journal of Policy Studies 11(2): 201-218.
- Alexander, Brittany. (2020). “Understanding Terrorism Policy Preferences through Bayesian Model Averaging and Multiple Imputation.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Association for Public Opinion Conference, October 1. Paper co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Alexander, Brittany. (2020). “Understanding Terrorism Policy Preferences through Bayesian Model Averaging and Multiple Imputation.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Conference on November 20. Paper co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz
- Baucum, Matt, Richard S. John, William Burns, Kent E. Portney, and Jeryl L. Mumpower. 2020. “Modeling Affective and Cognitive Responses to Soft‑target Terrorism Over Time.” Environment Systems and Decisions. (Early view available online.) DOI: 10.1007/s10669-020-09789-6
- Hao, Feng, Xinsheng Liu, and Jay L. Michaels. 2020. “Social Capital, Carbon Dependency, and Public Response to Climate Change in 22 European Cities.” Environmental Science & Policy 114(2020): 64−72. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.07.028
- Mumpower, Jeryl. 2020. “Risk Perceptions of the Lone Wolf Terrorism Events: Accuracy, the Hindsight Bias, the Recollection Bias, and the Bias Illusion.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORM)S, held virtually November 8-11. Paper co-authored with Xinsheng Liu, Kent Portney, and, Arnold Vedlitz.
- Zhang, Youlang, Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2020. “How Social Capital Shapes Citizen Willingness to Co-Invest in Public Service: The Case of Flood Control.” Public Administration 98(3): 696−712DOI: 10.1111/padm.12646
- Li, Qingchun, Bryce Hannibal, Ali Mostafavi, Philip Berke, Sierra Woodruff, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2020. “Examining of the Actor Collaboration Networks around Hazard Mitigation: A Hurricane Harvey Study.” Natural Hazards. (Early view available online.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-020-04142-1
- Hannibal, Bryce, and Kent Portney. 2020. “The Impact of Water Scarcity on Support for Hydraulic Fracturing Regulation: A Water-Energy Nexus Study.” Energy Policy 146. (Early view available online.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111718
- Farahmand, Hamed, Shangjia Dong, Ali Mostafavi, Philip R. Berke, Sierra C. Woodruff, Bryce Hannibal, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2020. “Institutional Congruence for Resilience Management in Interdependent Infrastructure Systems.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 46. (Early view available online.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101515
- Woodruff, Sierra, Ann Bowman, Richard Feiock, Bryce Hannibal, Ki eun Kang, Jeongmin Oh, Garett Sansom. 2020. Resilience in U.S. Cities: A Survey of Policies and Programs. 101 Resilient Cities Policies and Programs Project. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. https://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/189324
- Waitman, Alixandra. 2020. Comprehensive Report of the Climate Change National Public Survey. Available electronically from https : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /189323.
- Waitman, Alixandra. 2020. Comprehensive Report of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Public Opinion Survey. Available electronically from https : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /189325.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Youlang Zhang, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2020. “Political Values and Life Satisfaction in China.” The China Quarterly (early view available online DOI: [10.1017/S0305741020000272]10.1017/S0305741020000272)
- Liu, Xinsheng, Scott Robinson, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2020. “A Micro Model of Problem Definition and Policy Choice: Issue Image, Issue Association, and Policy Support of Power Plants.” Policy Studies Journal 48(1): 11–37. DOI: 10.1111/psj.12233
- Brown, Stephanie, Carol Goldsmith, Lisa Halperin, Ian Seavey, Kimberly Winarski, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2020. Role of Coastal Bend Organizational Stakeholders in Regional Recovery and Resilience Efforts. Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, Bush School of Government & Public Service, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Bowman, Ann. 2020. “How Resilient Are Our Cities: Comparison of Resilience Policies and Programs Across U.S. Cities.” Paper presented at the Local Governance and Sustainability Conference within a Conference at the Southern Political Science Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 9-11. Paper co-authored with Sierra Woodruff, Kent Portney, Bryce Hannibal, Garret Sansom, and Rick Feiock.
- Daher, Bassel, Bryce Hannibal, Rabi H. Mohtar, and Kent E. Portney. 2020. “Toward Understanding the Convergence of Researcher and Stakeholder Perspectives Related to Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Challenges: The Case of San Antonio, Texas.” Environmental Science and Policy 104: 20-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.10.020
- Greer, Robert A., Bryce Hannibal, and Kent Portney. 2020. “The Role of Communication in Managing Complex Water-Energy-Food Governance Systems.” Water 12(4): 1183. DOI: 10.3390/w12041183
- Kang, Ki-Eun and George C Homsy. 2020. “Make Me a Better Offer: Developer Threats and Regional Competition for Land Development Projects.” Economic Development Quarterly 34(1): 21–30. DOI: 10.1177/0891242419897124
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2020. “Local Air Pollution and Political Trust in China.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Southern Political Science Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 9-11.
- Migaud, Michael R. 2020. “Protecting Earth’s Orbital Environment: Policy Tools for Combating Space Debris.” Space Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.spacepol.2020.101361
- Paarlberg, Laurie E., Bryce Hannibal, and Jasmine McGinnis Johnson. 2020. “Examining the Mediating Influence of Interlocking Board Networks on Grant Making in Public Foundations.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 1−23. DOI: 10.1177/0899764019897845
- Migaud, Michael R. 2019. “Policy Tools for Preventing, Mitigating, and Defending Against Orbital Debris.” Paper presented at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s First International Orbital Debris Conference. Sugar Land, TX. December 9-12.
- Islam, Shafiqul, Kent E. Portney, Michael J. Reed, Timothy S. Griffin, and William Moomaw. 2019. “Origins: Conceptualization, Implementation, and Evolution of an Interdisciplinary Graduate Program on Water Diplomacy,” Chapter 1 in Shafiqul Islam and Kevin M. Smith, eds. Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Water Diplomacy: A Principled and Pragmatic Approach. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
- Sixt, Gregory N., Ashley C. McCarthy, Kent E. Portney, and Timothy S. Griffin. 2019. “Water Diplomacy at the Macro Scale: Agricultural Groundwater Governance in the High Plains Aquifer Region of the United States,” Chapter 8 in Shafiqul Islam and Kevin M. Smith, eds. Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Water Diplomacy: A Principled and Pragmatic Approach. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
- Portney, Kent E., Michael J. Reed, and Amanda C. Repella. 2019. “Reflections on the Tufts Experiment with Interdisciplinary Water Diplomacy Research,” Chapter 14 in Shafiqul Islam and Kevin M. Smith, eds. Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Water Diplomacy: A Principled and Pragmatic Approach. New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
- Aldaco-Manner, Lindsey , Rabi Mohtar, and Kent E. Portney. 2019. “Analysis of Four Governance Factors on Efforts of Water Governing Agencies to Increase Water Reuse in The San Antonio Region.” Science of the Total Environment 647: 1498–1507. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitoenv.2018.07.366
- Daher, Bassel, Bryce Hannibal, Kent E. Portney, and Rabi H. Mohtar. 2019. “Towards Creating an Environment of Cooperation between Water, Energy, and Food Stakeholders in San Antonio.” Science of the Total Environment 651: 2913–2926. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitoenv.2018.09.395
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2019. “The Intersection of Social and Planning Networks: A Post-Harvey Study.” Paper presented at the 13th International Academic Association of Planning, Law, and Property Rights Conference, College Station, TX, February 22. Paper co-authored with Sierra Woodruff and Matthew Malecha.
- Hannibal, Bryce, and Kent Portney. 2019. “Correlates of Food-Energy-Water Nexus Awareness Among the American Public.” Social Sciences Quarterly 100(3): 762–778. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12590
- Hannibal, Bryce, 2019. “Public Concern and Support for Regulation of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development: Individual and Contextual Influences on Texas Residents.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Political Science Association, San Diego, CA. April 18. Co-authored with Kent E. Portney.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2019. “Toward Understanding the Convergence of Researcher and Stakeholder Perspectives Related to Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Challenges: The Case of San Antonio, Texas.” Paper presented at the annual conference the Universities Council on Water Resources, Snowbird, UT, June 11-13. Co-authored with Bassel Daher, Rabi Mohtar, and Kent Portney.
- Harmel, Robert, Yao-Youan Yeh, and Xinsheng Liu. 2019. “Age Versus Socialization in Understanding Attitudes toward Economic Reforms in China.” Social Science Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12681.
- Jones, Bryan, and Xinsheng Liu. 2019. “Designing Political Institutions to Foster Problem Solving.” Peking University Political Science Review 2: 16-26.
- Kurian, Mathew, Christopher Scott, V. Ratna Reddy, Graham Alabaster, Adelaide Nardocci, Kent E. Portney, Rizaldi Boer, and Bryce Hannibal. 2019. “One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer: Siloes, Trade-Offs and Synergies in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus.” Frontiers of Environmental Science 7(32): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00032
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2019. “Air Pollution Lessons Political Trust in China.” Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Association of Chinese Political Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, , June 21-23.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2019. “How Social Capital Shapes Citizen Willingness to Co-Invest in Public Service: The Case of Flood Control.” Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Public Policy, International Public Policy Association, Montreal, Canada, June 25-28. Paper co-authored with Youlang Zhang and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2019. “Issue-specific Knowledge and Willingness to Coproduce: The Case of Public Security Services.” Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference of International Institute of Administrative Sciences Study Group on Coproduction of Public Services, Leuven, Belgium, May 27-28. Paper co-authored with Youlang Zhang and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2019. “Public Environmental Concern, Trust in Government, and Urban-Rural Difference: Evidence from China.” Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Public Policy, International Public Policy Association, Montreal, Canada , June 25-28. Paper co-authored with Guiying Liu, Hongxin Sui, and Yinxi Liu.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2019. “Social Origins and Political Underpinnings of Public Concern about Poverty in China.” Paper presented at the 3rd Peking University-Fudan University Forum on Governance, Peking University, Beijing, China, May 17-19. Paper co-authored with Lan Wu and Yinxi Liu.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2019. “Social Origins and Political Underpinnings of Public Concern about Poverty in China.” Paper presented at the Conference of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, June 17-21, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, June 17-21. Paper co-authored with Lan Wu and Yinxi Liu.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Feng Hao, Kent Portney, and Yinxi Liu. 2019. “Examining Public Concern about Global Warming and Climate Change in China.” The China Quarterly (early view). DOI: 10.1017/S0305741019000845
- Paarlberg, Laurie, Jasmine McGinnis Johnson, and Bryce Hannibal. 2019. “Race and the Public Foundation Grants Marketplace: The Differential Effect of Network Status in Communities of Colour.” Public Management Review. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2019.1635192
- Portney, Kent. 2019. “Governing the Water-Energy Nexus in the Metropolitan San Antonio Region.” Paper presented at the Texas A&M Law School’s 10th Annual Energy Symposium, Fort Worth, TX, February 22.
- Portney, Kent E. 2019. “The Role of Communication in Managing Complex Water-Energy-Food Governance Systems.” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Western Political Science Association, San Diego, CA, April 18-20. Paper coauthored with Robert A. Greer and Bryce Hannibal.
- Portney, Kent E. 2019. “What’s Theory Got to Do with It? Institutional Collective Action and Governance of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in the Metropolitan San Antonio Region.” Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Local Governance and Sustainability Conference within Conference at the Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Austin, TX, January 22. Co-authored with Robert A. Greer and Bryce Hannibal.
- Zhang, Youlang, Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2019. “Issue-specific Knowledge and Willingness to Coproduce: The Case of Public Security Services.” Public Management Review. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2019.1635193
- Aldaco-Manner, L., Jordan Christman, Kelli Condina, Bassel Daher, Sarah Davis, Adam Eaton, Steven Hebert, Mario Martinez, Rebecca Owens, and Meaghan Owens. 2018. Water Governance on the San Antonio Region: Results from a Survey of Water Officials and Organizations. Editor Kent E. Portney.
- Baucum, Matt, Richard John, Marcus Mayorga, Paul Slovic, William Burns, Kent Portney, and Jeryl Mumpower. 2018. “The Dynamics of Risk Perception for Soft Target Terrorism.” Paper presented at the 14th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Los Angeles, CA, September 16–21.
- Bowman, Ann O’M. 2018. “Multilevel Governance in Designing and Managing City Sustainability Policies.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, January 4–6. Co-authored with Kent E. Portney and Jeffery M. Berry.
- Daher, Bassel, Rabi H. Mohtar, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Kent E. Portney, Ronald Kaiser, and Walid Saad. 2018. “Developing Socio-Techno-Economic-Political (STEP) Solutions for Addressing Resource Nexus Hotspots.” Sustainability 10(2): 512. DOI: 10.3390/su10020512
- Daher, Bassel, Kent E. Portney, Bryce Hannibal, and Rabi Mohtar. 2018. “Towards understanding the level of communication between water-energy-food government organizations in the San Antonio region.” International Conference on Sustainable Development, Columbia University, September 26-28.
- Foster, Jessica. 2018. Survey of Legal Mechanisms Relating to Groundwater Along the Texas-Mexico Border. Texas A&M University School of Law Program in Natural Resources Systems, Fort Worth, TX.
- Greer, Robert A., Bryce Hannibal, Bassel Daher, and Kent E. Portney. 2018. “Network-Based Urban Governance of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Evidence from the San Antonio Case Study.” Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Association for Public Policy and Management, Mexico City, Mexico. July 20.
- Hannibal, Bryce, and Michael Migaud. 2018. “State Energy Policies and Public Support for Renewable Energy.” Paper presented at the Energy, Law, and Policy Workshop, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. October 3.
- Hannibal, Bryce, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2018. “Social Capital, Knowledge, and the Environment: The Effect of Interpersonal Communication on Climate Change Knowledge and Policy Preferences.” Sociological Spectrum 38(4): 277–293. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02732173.2018.1502108.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2018. “Examining the Mediating Influence of Interlocking Board Networks on Grant Making in Public Foundations.” Paper presented by invitation at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, April 5. Paper co-authored with Laurie Paarlberg and Jasmin McGinnis Johnson.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2018. “The Status Insulation Effect: Perceptions of Personal Safety in Response to Lone Wolf Terrorism.” Paper presented at the 113th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA., August 11-14.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2018. “Examining the Mediating Influence of Interlocking Board Networks on Grant Making in Public Foundations: Implications for Minority-led Organizations.” Paper presented at the 113th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, August 11-14.
- Hannibal, Bryce, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2018. “Throwing it Out: Introducing a Nexus Perspective in Examining Citizen Perceptions of Organizational Food Waste in the U.S.” Environmental Science and Policy. 88: 63–71. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.06.012
- Hannibal, Bryce, Lindsay Sansom, and Kent E. Portney. (2018). “The Effect of Local Water Scarcity and Drought on Water Conservation Behaviors.” Environmental Sociology. DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2018.1519882
- Huang, Haifeng and Xinsheng Liu. 2018. “Historical Knowledge and National Identity: Evidence from China,” Research and Politics 5(3): 1–8. DOI: 10.1177/2053168018794352
- Kurian, Mathew, Kent E. Portney, Gerhard Rappold, Bryce Hannibal and Solomon H. Gebrechorkos. 2018. “Governance of Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A Social Network Analysis Approach to Understanding Agency Behaviour,” Chapter 6 in Stephan Hülsmann and Reza Ardakanian, eds. Managing Water, Soil and Waste Resources to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals: Monitoring and Implementation of Integrated Resources Management. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Jeryl L. Mumpower, Kent E. Portney, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2018. “Perceived Risk of Terrorism and Policy Preferences for Government Counterterrorism Spending: Evidence from a U.S. National Panel Survey.” Risk, Hazard & Crisis in Public Policy. DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12154
- Liu, Xinsheng, Kent E. Portney, Jeryl L. Mumpower, Arnold Vedlitz. 2018. “Terrorism Risk Assessment, Recollection Bias, and Public Support for Counterterrorism Policy and Spending.” Risk Analysis. DOI: 10.1111/risa.13203
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2018. “Bureaucratic Influence in National Policy Agenda Setting Process: Evidence from Congressional Hearings on Global Warming and Climate Change.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 5-8, 2018. Paper co-authored with Bryce Hannibal and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Liu, Xinsheng, and Haifeng Huang. 2018. “Historical Knowledge and National Identify in China.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, January 4–6.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2018. “New Measures and Examinations of Bureaucratic Influence in Congressional Policy Agenda Setting on Global Warming and Climate Change.” Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Environmental Politics & Governance. Rånäs Slott, Stockholm Sweden, June 28-July 1.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Bryce Hannibal, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2018. “Participation, Dispersion, and Centrality: Bureaucratic Agenda Access to Congressional Hearings on Climate Change.” Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of Comparative Agenda Project, University of Amsterdam, July 4-6.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Feng Hao, and Kent E. Portney. 2018. “Chinese Public Concern about Global Warming and Climate Change: Social-Value Base, Carbon Economic Dependency, and Public Policy Implication.” Paper presented at the 9th Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration, Renmin University, China, June 15-17.
- Morton, Tabitha, and Bryce Hannibal. 2018. “Citizens’ decision-making frameworks on climate change policy preferences.” Journal of Social Sciences for Policy Implications 6 (2):1–11. DOI: 10.15640/jsspi.v6n2a1.
- Mumpower, Jeryl. 2018. “Remembrance of Perceived Risks Past: A Study of the Hindsight and Recollection Biases in Terrorism-Related Risk Perceptions.” Poster presented at the 39th annual conference of the Society for Judgement and Decision Making, New Orleans, LA. November 18. Coauthored with Xinsheng Liu, Kent Portney, and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Portney, Kent E. 2018. “Urban Governance and Sustainability through Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Evidence from the San Antonio Area Case Study.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, January 4–6. Co-authored with Bryce Hannibal.
- Portney, Kent E., Robert A. Greer, and Bryce Hannibal. 2018. “Environmental Governance in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Implications for Collaboration and Sustainability in the Drought-Prone Metropolitan San Antonio Region.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 30.
- Portney, Kent E., Robert A. Greer, and Bryce Hannibal. 2018. “Fragmentation of Food-Energy-Water Nexus San Antonio Region.” Paper presented at the Association for Public Policy and Management International Conference, Mexico City, July 20.
- Portney, Kent E. 2018. “Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously: What Cities are Doing,” Chapter 12 in Norman Vig and Michael Kraft, eds. Environmental Policy. 10th ed. LA: Sage/CQ Press.
- Sansom, Garett and Kent E. Portney. 2018. “Sustainable Cities Policies and Healthy Cities,” Chapter 3 in M. Nieuwenhuijsen and H. Khreis, eds. Integrating Human Health into Urban Transportation Planning. Springer International Publishing.
- Berry, Jeffrey M., and Kent E. Portney. 2017. “The Tea Party versus Agenda 21: Local Groups and Sustainability Policies in U.S. Cities.” Environmental Politics 26(1): 118–137. doi: 10.1080/09644016.2016.1219026
- Bowman, Ann O’M. and Kent E. Portney. 2017. “Multilevel Governance and City Sustainability Policies: Does It Exist? Does It Matter?” Paper presented at the Local Governance and Sustainability Conference within Conference at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 12-14. Co-authored with Jeffery M. Berry.
- Bowman, Ann O’M. 2017. “Multilevel Collaboration in Designing and Managing Sustainability Policy.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, August 31-September 3. Co-authored with Kent E. Portney and Jeffery M. Berry.
- Portney, Kent E., and Garett T. Sansom. 2017. “Sustainable Cities and Healthy Cities: Are They the Same?” Urban Planning 2(3): 45–55. DOI: 10.17645/up.v2i3.1018
- Bullock, Justin B. and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. “Emphasis Framing and the Role of Perceived Knowledge: A Survey Experiment.” Review of Policy Research. DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12231
- Bullock, Justin. 2017. “Mental Models of the Water, Energy, Food Nexus.” Paper presented at the 75th annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 6-9. Co-authored with Bryce Hannibal and Kent E. Portney.
- Bullock, Justin. 2016. “Preferences for Policy Tools: Are They Congruent across Policy Areas?” Paper presented at the 74th annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 7–10. Co-authored with Ann O’M. Bowman.
- Bullock, Justin B., and Ann O’M. Bowman. 2017. “FEW: Exploring Citizens’ Support for Policy Tools at the Food, Energy, Water Nexus.” Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ep.12727.
- Grover, Himanshu, Samuel D. Brody, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. “Understanding Climate Change Risk Perception in the USA.” International Journal of Global Warming 13(2): 113–137.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2017. “The Effect of Environmental Hazards on Attitudes and Behaviors about Water Management: A Multilevel Analysis.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, Austin, TX, April 12–15.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2017. “Public Concern and Support for Regulation of UOGD: Individual and Contextual Influences on Texas Residents.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Conference, Montréal, Canada, August 12–15.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2017. “Throwing It Out: Introducing a Nexus Perspective in Examining Citizen Perceptions of Organization Food Waste in the U.S.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, Austin, TX, April 12–15.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2017. “Mental Models of the Water, Energy, Food Nexus.” Paper presented at the 75th annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 6 –9 . Co-authored with Justin Bullock and Kent E. Portney.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2017. “Public Concern and Support for Regulation of UOGD: Individual and Contextual Influences on Texas Residents.” Paper presented at the 112th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 12–15.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2018. “Examining the Mediating Influence of Interlocking Board Networks on Grant Making in Public Foundations.” Paper presented by invitation at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, April 5. Paper co-authored with Laurie Paarlberg and Jasmin McGinnis Johnson.
- Hannibal, Bryce, and Hiroshi Ono. 2017. “Relationships of Collapse: Network Brokerage, Opportunism and Fraud in Financial Markets.” International Journal of Social Economics 44 (12): 2097-2111.
- Kellstedt, Paul M., Mark D. Ramirez, Arnold Vedlitz, and Sammy Zahran. 2017. “Does Political Sophistication Minimize Value Conflict? Evidence from a Heteroskedastic Graded IRT Model of Opinions toward Climate Change.” British Journal of Political Science. DOI: 10.1017/S0007123417000369.
- Kurian, Mathew. 2017. “Governance of Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A Social Network Analysis Approach. Paper presented at the Water, Soil and Waste Dresden Nexus Conference: SDGS & Nexus Approach: Monitoring and Implementation, Dresden Germany. May 17–19. Co-authored with Kent E. Portney, Gerhard Rappold, Bryce Hannibal, and Solomon H. Gebrechorkos.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2018. “Bureaucratic Influence in National Policy Agenda Setting Process: Evidence from Congressional Hearings on Global Warming and Climate Change.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 5-8, 2018. Paper co-authored with Bryce Hannibal and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Scott E. Robinson, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. “A Micro Model of Problem Definition and Policy Choice: Issue Image, Issue Association, and Policy Support of Power Plants.” Policy Studies Journal. DOI: 10.1111/psj.12233.
- Mahafza, Zachary B., James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. “The Role of Proximity in Problem Identification: Risk of Water Scarcity in Texas.” Water Policy 19(1): 86–98. DOI: 10.2166/wp.2016.021
- Mumpower, Jeryl M. 2017. “Perceived Risk of Terrorism and Policy Preferences for Government Counterterrorism Spending: Evidence from a U.S. National Panel Survey.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Arlington, Virginia, December 10–13. Co-authored with Xinsheng Liu, Kent E. Portney, and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Portney, Kent E. 2017. “Soil-Water-Food Nexus: A Public Opinion and Policy Perspective.” In Global Soil Security, Progress in Soil Science, edited by Damien J. Field, Cristine L.S. Morgan, and Alex B. McBratney, 371-381. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Portney, Kent E., Bryce Hannibal, Carol Goldsmith, Peyton McGee, Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. “Awareness of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus and Public Policy Support in the United States: Public Attitudes Among the American People.” Environment and Behavior. DOI: 10.1177/0013916517706531
- Kent E. Portney, Arnold Vedlitz, Garett Sansom, Philip Berke, and Bassel T. Daher. 2017. “Governance of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: the Conceptual and Methodological Foundations for the San Antonio Region Case Study.” Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 4(3):160-167. doi: 10.1007/s40518-017-0077-1
- Portney, Kent E., 2017. “Governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Solving a Common-Pool Resource Challenge?” Paper presented at the Ostrom Workshop Colloquium Series, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, November 13.
- Robinson, Scott E., James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. “Assessing Public Support for Government Policy: Comparing Experimental and Attitudinal Approaches.” In Experiments in Public Administration Research: Challenges and Contributions, edited by S. Jilke, O. James, and G. Van Ryzin, 376-393. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Robinson, Scott E., James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. Understanding Public Trust: Environmental Sustainability, Fracking, and Public Opinion in American Politics. New York: Routledge Publishing.
- Sansom, Lindsay. 2017. “U.S.-Mexico Water Cooperation and Conflict.” Paper presented at the XVI World Water Congress of the International Water Resources Association, Cancun, Mexico, May 29–June 3. Co-authored with Kent E. Portney.
- Sansom, Lindsay. 2017. “The Hueco Bolson: A Case for Improved Transboundary Aquifer Management.” Paper presented at the XVI World Water Congress of the International Water Resources Association, Cancun, Mexico, May 29–June 3.
- Sansom, Lindsay. 2017. “Understanding How Risk Perception and Trust Impact Binational Cooperation over Water Sharing: Texas-Mexico Case Study.” Paper presented at the Universities Council on Water Resources Conference, Ft. Collins, CO, June 13–15.
- Switzer, David, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2017. “Green colored lenses: Worldviews and motivated reasoning in the case of local water scarcity.” Environment and Behavior 49 (7):719-744. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013916516669391.
- Teodoro, Manny. “Trusted Brands: A Model and Experimental Evaluation of Citizen-Based Brand Equity .” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 1–4.
- Teodoro, Manuel P., and Seung-Ho An. 2017. “Citizen-Based Brand Equity: A Model and Experimental Evaluation.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. DOI: 10.1093/jopart/mux044
- Tucker, Justin A., James W. Stoutenborough, and R. Matthew Beverlin. 2012. “Geographic Proximity in the Diffusion of Concealed Weapons Permit Laws.” Politics & Policy 40(6):1081–1105. DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-1346.2012.00399.x.
- Bowman, Ann O’M. 2016. “Exploring Citizens’ Support for Policy Tools at the Food, Energy, Water Nexus.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 1–4. Co-authored with Justin Bullock.
- Bullock, Justin. 2016. “Policy Preferences at the Nexus of Water, Energy, and Food.” Paper presented at the 16th National Conference and Global Forum on Science and the Environment, Washington, DC, January 19–21. Co-authored with Ann Bowman.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2016. “Social Determinants and Political Implications of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Cognition.” Paper presented at the 16th National Conference and Global Forum on Science and the Environment, Washington, DC, January 19–21.
- Hannibal, Bryce, Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2016. “Personal Characteristics, Local Environmental Conditions, and Individual Environmental Concern: A Multilevel Analysis.” Environmental Sociology. DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2016.1197355
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2016. “Cognitive Awareness of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the US: Public Attitudes among the American People.” Paper presented at the 111th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington, August 20-23. Co-authored with Kent Portney, Carol Goldsmith, Peyton McGee, Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Hannibal, Bryce. 2016. “Political Ideology and the Invisible Environment: A Multi-Level Analysis of Biophysical Impacts on Individual Behaviors and Attitudes about Water.” Paper presented at the 111th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington, August 20-23. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Scott Robinson, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2016. “Public Problem Characterization, Policy Solution Generation, and Intra-Agenda Connectivity.” Policy Studies Journal. DOI: 10.1111/psj.12163
- Liu, Xinsheng, James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2016. “Bureaucratic Expertise, Overconfidence, and Policy Choice.” Governance. DOI: 10.1111/gove.12257
- Liu, Xinsheng and Ren Mu. 2016. “Public Environmental Concern in China: Determinants and Variations.” Global Environmental Change 37: 116–127. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.01.008
- Portney, Kent E., and Jeffrey M. Berry. 2016. “The Group and Ideological Bases of Local Sustainability Policies and Programs. In Handbook of Cities and the Environment edited by Kevin Archer and Kris Bezdecny, 263-278. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
- Portney, Kent. 2016. “Cognitive Awareness of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Ideological and Policy Perspectives.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 1–4. Co-authored with Bryce Hannibal, Carol Goldsmith, Peyton McGee, Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Shreck, Brian and Arnold Vedlitz. 2016. “The Public and Its Climate: Exploring the Relationship Between Public Discourse and Opinion on Global Warming.” Society & Natural Resources 29(5): 509–524. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2015.1095380
- Stoutenborough, James W., Scott E. Robinson, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2016. “Is ‘Fracking’ a New Dirty Word? The Influence of Word Choices on Public Views toward Natural Gas Attitudes.” Energy Research & Social Science 17: 52–58. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2016.04.005.
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Arnold Vedlitz. 2016. “The Role of Scientific Knowledge in the Public’s Perceptions of Energy Technology Risks.” Energy Policy 96: 206–216. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.05.031
- Stoutenborough, James W., Arnold Vedlitz, and Xin Xing. 2016. “Are All Risk Perceptions Created Equal? Comparing General Risk Assessments and Specific Risk Assessments Associated with Climate Change.” Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 22(1): 50–70. DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2015.1054924
- Switzer, David. 2016. “Local Issue Severity and Ideological Worldviews: Motivated Reasoning in the Case of Water Scarcity.” Paper presented at the 87th annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 7–9. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Teodoro, Manny. 2016., “Brand Value: Who Do People Trust to Manage the Nexus?” Paper presented at the 16th National Conference and Global Forum on Science and the Environment, Washington D.C., January 19–21.
- Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2015. “Scientific Advocacy, Environmental Interest Groups, and Climate Change: Are Climate Skeptic Portrayals of Climate Scientists as Biased Accurate?” Climatic Change 133(4): 607–619. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1477-0.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Arnold Vedlitz, James W. Stoutenborough, and Scott Robinson. 2015. “Scientists’ Views and Positions on Global Warming and Climate Change: A Content Analysis of Congressional Testimonies. Climatic Change 131(4): 487–503. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1390-6.
- Stoutenborough, James W., Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2015. “How to Win Friends and Influence People: Climate Scientists’ Perspectives on Their Relationship with and Influence on Government Officials.” Journal of Public Policy 35(2): 269–296. DOI: 10.1017/S0143814X15000112. https://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0143814X15000112
- Stoutenborough, James W., Liu Shi, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2015. “Probing Public Perceptions on Energy: Support for a Comparative, Deep-Probing Survey Design for Complex Issue Domains.” Energy 81(March): 406–415. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2014.12.053
- Stoutenborough, James W., Arnold Vedlitz, and Xinsheng Liu. 2015. “The Influence of Specific Risk Perceptions on Public Policy Support: An Examination of Energy Policy,” in “The Politics of Science: Political Values and the Production, Communication, and Reception of Scientific Knowledge,” ed. Elizabeth Suhay and James N. Druckman, special issue, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 658(1): 102–120. DOI: 10.1177/0002716214559004
- Bullock, Justin. 2015. “Framing and Policy Support for Hydraulic Fracturing: A Quasi-Experiment.” Paper presented at the 86th annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 15–17. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Bullock, Justin. 2015. “Framing and Policy Support for Hydraulic Fracturing: A Survey Experiment.” Paper presented at the 73rd annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 16–19.
- Shreck, Brian. 2015. “Perceived Risk, Uncertainty, and Policy Preferences on Hydraulic Fracturing.” Paper presented at the 86th annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 15–17. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2015. “Energetic Women: Evaluating STEM Initiatives on Women’s Energy Knowledge.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 2–4. Co-authored with Kathleen E. Lange, Kellee J. Kirkpatrick, and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2015. “Energetic Women: Evaluating STEM Initiatives on Women’s Energy Knowledge.” Paper presented at the Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life Conference, Pocatello, ID, March 5–6. Co-authored with Kathleen E. Lange, Kellee J. Kirkpatrick, and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Morton, Tabitha. 2015. “Who’s in Charge? An Examination of Public Opinion on Climate Change Policy Management and Willingness to Pay.” Paper presented at the 86th annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 15–17. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2015. “Public Opinion, Climate Change, and Extreme Weather Events: Does the Public Believe Climate Science Predictions?” Paper presented at the 73rd annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 16–19. Co-authored with Kellee J. Kirkpatrick and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2015. “Scientists’ Views and Stands on Global Warming and Climate Change: A Content Analysis of Congressional Testimonies.” Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses and the Climate Change, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 10–11. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz, James W. Stoutenborough, and Scott Robinson.
- Stoutenborough, James W., Kellee J. Kirkpatrick, M. Jeremy Field, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2015. “What Butterfly Effect: The Contextual Differences in Public Perceptions of the Health Risk Posed by Climate Change.” Climate 3(3): 668–688. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cli3030668.
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Arnold Vedlitz. 2015. “Knowledge, Information, and Views of Climate Change: An Examination of Coastal Stakeholders along the Gulf of Mexico.” Climate 3(4): 983–998. DOI: 10.3390/cli3040983.
- Portney, Kent E. 2015. Sustainability. The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
- Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and James W. Stoutenborough. 2014. “Blurring the Lines of Scientific Objectivity in the Policy Process: Are Climate Skeptic Portrayals of Climate Scientists as Wild-Eyed Fanatics Accurate?” Paper presented at the72nd annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 3–6. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Bromely-Trujillo, Rebecca, James W. Stoutenborough, Kellee J. Kirkpatrick, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2014. “Climate Scientists and Environmental Interest Groups: The Intersection of Expertise and Advocacy.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 2(1): 120-134. DOI: 10.1080/21565503.2013.879726.
- Brooks, Jeremy, Douglas R. Oxley, Arnold Vedlitz, Sammy Zahran, and Charles Lindsey. 2014. “Abnormal Daily Temperature and Concern about Climate Change Across the United States.” Review of Policy Research 31(3): 199-217. DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12067.
- Liu, Xinsheng, Arnold Vedlitz, and Liu Shi. 2014. “Examining the Determinants of Public Environmental Concern: Evidence from National Public Surveys.” Environmental Science & Policy 39(May): 77-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2014.02.006.
- Oxely, Douglas R., Arnold Vedlitz, and B. Dan Wood. 2014. “The Effect of Persuasive Messages on Policy Problem Recognition.” Policy Studies Journal 42(2): 252–268. DOI: 10.1111/psj.12058.
- Park, Hyung Sam, Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2014. “Analyzing Climate Change Debates in the U.S. Congress: Party Control and Mobilizing Networks.” Risks, Hazards, and Crisis in Public Policy 5(3): 239–258. DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12062
- Shreck, Brian. 2014. “Deliberation, Public Discourse, and Opinion on Climate Change.” Paper presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 3–6. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W., Robert Nicholas Fette, Arnold Vedlitz, and Carol L. Goldsmith. 2014. “Understanding the Communication of Climate Change Risk: Climate Scientists’ Perspectives of Media Sources and Policy Makers.” Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 5(4): 365–384. DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12066.
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Kellee J. Kirkpatrick. 2014. “The Effects of Overconfidence in Complex Domains on Policy Preferences: The Public and Their Understanding of Energy, Climate Change, and Genetically Modified Organisms.” Paper presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 3–6. Co-authored with Xinsheng Liu and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W., Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2014. “Trends in Public Attitudes Toward Climate Change: The Influence of the Economy and Climategate on Risk, Information, and Public Policy.” Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 5(1):22–37. DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12045.
- Shreck, Brian. 2014. “In Defense of Informal Discussion as Deliberative Democracy.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Seattle, Washington, April 17–19. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Arnold Vedlitz. 2014. “Public Attitudes toward Water Management and Drought in the United States.” Water Resources Management 28(3): 697-714. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-013-0509-7.
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Arnold Vedlitz. 2014. “The Effect of Perceived and Assessed Knowledge of Climate Change on Public Policy Concerns: An Empirical Comparison.” Environmental Science & Policy 37(March): 23-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2013.08.002.
- Stoutenborough, James W., Arnold Vedlitz, and Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo. 2014. “Public Support for Climate Change Policy: Consistency in the Influence of Values and Attitudes over Time and Across Specific Policy Alternatives.” Review of Policy Research 31(6): 555-583 DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12104. See data from “Public Support for Climate Change Policy.”
- Bies, Angela, L. Deanna G. Lee, Charles Lindsey, James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2013. “Citizens, Nonprofits and Climate Change Policy.” Nonprofit Policy Forum, 4(1): 5-28. DOI: 10.1515/npf-2012-0001.
- Hinich, Melvin, Xinsheng Liu, Arnold Vedlitz, and Charles Lindsey. 2013. “Beyond the Left-Right Cleavage: Exploring American Political Choice Space.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 25(1): 75-104.
- Mumpower, Jeryl, Liu Shi, James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2013. “Psychometric and Demographic Predictors of the Perceived Risk of Terrorist Threats and the Willingness to Pay for Terrorism Risk Management Program.” Risk Analysis 33(10): 1802-1811. DOI: 10.1111/risa.12033.
- Park, Hyung and Arnold Vedlitz. 2013. “Climate Hazards and Risk Status: Explaining Climate Risk Assessment, Behavior, and Policy Support.” Sociological Spectrum 33(3): 219-239. DOI: 10.1080/02732173.2013.732900.
- Robinson, Scott E. 2013. “Organizational Trust and Risk Communication: Trust in the EPA and Opposition to Fracking.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 29–September 1. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Robinson, Scott E., Xinsheng Liu, James W. Stoutenborough, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2013. “Explaining Popular Trust in the Department of Homeland Security,” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23(3): 713-733. DOI: 10.1093/jopart/mus025>
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2013. “Climate Scientists and the Media: Scientists Perceptions of the Accuracy of Climate Change Media Coverage.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Southern Political Science Association, Orlando, Florida, January 3-5. Co-authored with Kellee J. Kirkpatrick and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Shelbi Sturgess. 2013. “Knowledge, Risk, and Policy Support: Public Perceptions of Nuclear Power.” Paper presented at the 71st annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 11-14. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2013. “Problem Definition and Risk Perceptions: Rethinking the Role of Risk Perceptions on Political Behavior.” Paper presented at the 71st annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 11-14. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2013. “Collective Action and Public Support for Pollution Reducing Energy Policies.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Western Political Science Association, Hollywood, California, March 28-30. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2013. “The Role of Scientific Knowledge in the Public’s Perceptions of Energy Technology Risks.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Western Political Science Association, Hollywood, California, March 28-30. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborugh, James W. 2013. “Policy Diffusion and the Public: Public Preferences Regarding Innovation versus Diffusion.” Paper presented at the 84th annual meeting for the Southern Political Science Association, Orlando, Florida, January 3-5. Co-authored with Douglas R. Oxley and Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W., Shelbi Sturgess, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2013. “Knowledge, Risk, and Policy Support: Public Perceptions of Nuclear Power.” Energy Policy 62(November): 176-184. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.06.098
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Arnold Vedlitz. 2013. “Public Attitudes toward Water Management and Drought in Texas.” Texas Water Journal 4(2): 47-61.
- Brody, S., Grover, H., & Vedlitz, A. (2012). Examining the Willingness of Americans to Alter Behavior to Mitigate Climate Change.” Climate Policy 12(1), 1-22.
- Cantele, Matthew P., Rebecca Hannagan, and Doug R. Oxley. 2012. “From Embodiment to Public Policy: The Intersection of Individual Physiology, Psychology, and Socio-Institutional Policy Behaviors.” In Research in Biopolitics, edited by Steven A. Peterson, 157-177. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Li, Quan, Matthew Fuhrmann, Bryan R. Early, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2012. “Preferences, Knowledge, and Citizen Assessments of the Terrorism Risks of Nuclear Power.” Review of Policy Research 29(2): 207-227.
- Liu, Xinsheng. 2012. Presented research findings at the Beijing Forum: The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All, Beijing, China, November 2-4.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2012. “State Mandated Pregnancies: The Evolution of State Living Will Policy.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 12-15. Co-authored with Kellee J. Kirkpatrick and Morgen Johansen.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2012. “Public Opinion and Climate-Related Policy Solutions: A Comparison of the Policy Preferences of the Public, Stakeholders, and Climate Scientists.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 12-15. Co-authored with Arnold Vedlitz.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2012. “Willing to Tolerate: Alternatives to Willingness-to-Pay Evaluations for Homeland Security Regulations.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Western Social Science Association, Houston, Texas, April 11-14. Co-authored with Scott E. Robinson.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2012. “Improving the Likelihood of Successful Policy Outcomes: A Theory of Policy Diffusion Policy Analysis.” Paper presented at the 12th Annual State Politics and Policy Conference, Houston, February 16-18. Co-authored with Douglas R. Oxley.
- Stoutenborough, James W. 2012. “Policy Learning, Problem Solving, and Analogical Transfer: An Individual-Level Theory of Policy Diffusion.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, January 12-14. Co-authored with Douglas R. Oxley.
- Stoutenborough, James W. (2012). “Improving the Likelihood of Successful Policy Outcomes: A Theory of Policy Diffusion Policy Analysis.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, January 12-14. Co-authored with Douglas R. Oxley.
- Tucker, Justin A., James W. Stoutenborough, and R. Matthew Beverlin. 2012. “Geographic Proximity in the Diffusion of Concealed Weapons Permit Laws.” Politics & Policy 40(6): 1081-105.
- Vedlitz, Arnold. 2012. “Policy Challenges and Opportunities.” Presented research findings at the Water and Energy in Texas: Solutions from Texas A&M Conference, College Station, Texas, October 3-4.
- Yang, Yi E., and Xinsheng Liu. 2012. “The ‘China Threat’ through the Lens of US Print Media: 1992-2006.” Journal of Contemporary China 21(76): 695-711.
- Lindquist, Eric. 2011. “An American Perspective on Sustainable Development: What is It, Where is It, and What are the Prospects for the Future?” In Sustainable Development, an Integrative Paradigm?: A Transatlantic View on Politics, Economy and Society, edited by Michael Meimeth and John D. Robertson, 11-21. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Eric Lindquist. 2011. “Transportation Planning, Policy and Climate Change: Making the Long-Term Connection,” UTMC Project #07-03, 1-62. University Transportation Center for Mobility, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University System.
- Robinson, Scott E., Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2011. “Public Support for the Department of Homeland Security,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 8(1): 1-16.
- Smith, Kevin B., Doug Oxley, Matthew V. Hibbing, John R. Alford, and John R. Hibbing. 2011. “Disgust Sensitivity and the Neurophysiology of Left-Right Political Orientations.” PLoS One 6(10).
- Smith, Kevin B., Doug R. Oxley, Matthew V. Hibbing, John R. Alford, and John R. Hibbing. 2011. “Linking Genetics and Political Attitudes: Reconceptualizing Political Ideology.” Political Psychology 32(3): 369-397.
- Taylor, Timothy R. B., David N. Ford, Shari A. Yvon-Lewis, and Eric Lindquist. 2011. “Science, Engineering, and Technology in the Policy Process for Mitigating Natural-Societal Risk.” System Dynamics Review 27(2): 173-194.
- Zahran, Sammy, Samuel D. Brody, Wesley E. Highfield, and Arnold Vedlitz. 2010. “Non-linear Incentives, Plan Design, and Flood Mitigation: The Case of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Rating System.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 53(2): 219-239.
- Brody, S. D., Zahran, S., Highfield, W. E., Bernhardt, S. P., & Vedlitz, A. (2009). Policy Learning for Flood Mitigation: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Community Rating System in Florida. Risk Analysis, 29(6), 912-929.
- Gronberg, Timothy J., Dennis W. Jansen, Arnold Vedlitz, Deanna Green, and Jonathan Ambs. 2009. Project Final Report: A Summary of the Utilization of Impact Fees in Texas. University Real Estate Research Center, Texas A&M University.
- Lindquist, E. (2009, May). Political Science, Public Administration and Natural Hazards: Contributions and Connections. Paper presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
- Lindquist, E. (2009). Regional Adaptation to Climate Change in the United States: Are Metropolitan Planning Organizations Responding? Paper presented at the International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Park, Hyung S., Xinsheng Liu, and Arnold Vedlitz. (2009). “Global Climate Change and Policy Networks: U.S. Congressional Hearings, 1979-2007.” Paper presented at the 104th ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, August 7-11.
- Park, Hyung S., and Arnold Vedlitz. (2009). “Global Climate Change: Adaptive Behavior and Policy Support.” Paper presented at Coastal Zone 2009: Revolutionary Times: Catching the Wave of Change, Boston, Massachusetts, July 19-23.
- West, W. F., Lindquist, E., & Mosher-Howe, K. N. (2009). NOAA’s Resurrection of Program Budgeting: Deja Vu All Over Again? Public Administration Review, 69(3), 435-447.
- Bragg, B., Geva, N., & Liu, X. (2008). How Hot is Global Warming: The Cognitive Calculus of Preference Formation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.
- Brody, S., Zahran, S., Grover, H., & Vedlitz, A. (2008). A Spatial Analysis of Local Climate Change Policy in the United States: Risk, Stress, and Opportunity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 87(1), 33-41.
- Brody, S. D., Zahran, S., Highfield, W. E., Grover, H., & Vedlitz, A. (2008). Identifying the impact of the built environment on flood damage in Texas. Disasters, 32(1), 1-18.
- Brody, S. D., Zahran, S., Vedlitz, A., & Grover, H. (2008). Examining the relationship between physical vulnerability and public perceptions of global climate change. Environment and Behavior, 40(1), 72-95.
- Kellstedt, P. M., Zahran, S., & Vedlitz, A. (2008). Personal Efficacy, the Information Environment, and Attitudes Toward Global Warming and Climate Change in the United States. Risk Analysis, 28(1), 113-126.
- Leonard, K. J., Suhrbier, J. H., Lindquist, E., Savonis, M. J., Potter, J. R., & Dean, W. R. (2008). How Can Transportation Professionals Incorporate Climate Change in Transportation Decisions? Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Transportation Systems and Infrastructure: Gulf Coast Study, Phase I. United States Climate Change Science Program.
- Lindquist, E. (2008, May). Interdisciplinary Research on Urban Flooding: A Focusing Event Perspective. Paper presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
- Lindquist, E. (2008). Sustainable Development in the United States: A Summary and Discussion. Paper presented at the ASKO Europa-Stiftung and Texas A&M University Transatlantic Fall Symposium, European Academy.
- Lindquist, E., & Mosher-Howe, K. N. (2008). Nanotechnology: What is it Good For? A Problem Definition Perspective. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting.
- Liu, X. (2008). Global Warming Challenge and Climate Change Policy: A Social Science Perspective. Paper presented at the Ecological Civilization: Environment, Energy and Social Evolution, 2008 Beijing Forum.
- Liu, X., Vedlitz, A., & Alston, L. (2008). Regional news portrayals of global warming and climate change. Environmental Science & Policy, 11(5), 379-393.
- Mack, W. R., Green, D., & Vedlitz, A. (2008). Innovation and Implementation in the Public Sector: An Examination of Public Entrepreneurship. Review of Policy Research, 25(3), 233-252.
- Shi, L., Vedlitz, A., & Lindsey, C. (2008). Fourth Follow-up and Evaluation of the “Drive Clean Across Texas” Campaign: A Report to the Texas Transportation Institute. College Station, TX: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, Texas A&M University.
- Vedlitz, A., Alston, L. T., Wood, B. D., North, G. R., & Lindquist, E. (2008). Project Final Report: Utilization of Science-Based Information on Climate Change in Decision Making and the Public Policy Process, Phase 1. College Station, Texas: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, The Bush School, Texas A&M University.
- Zahran, S., Brody, S. D., Peacock, W. G., Vedlitz, A., & Grover, H. (2008). Social vulnerability and the natural and built environment: a model of flood casualties in Texas. Disasters, 32(4), 537-560.
- Zahran, S., Brody, S. D., Vedlitz, A., Grover, H., & Miller, C. (2008). Vulnerability and capacity: explaining local commitment to climate change policy in the United States. Environment and Planning: C Government and Policy, 26(3), 544-562.
- Zahran, S., Brody, S. D., Vedlitz, A., Lacy, M. G., & Schelly, C. L. (2008). Greening local energy: Explaining the geographic distribution of household solar energy use in the United States. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74(4), 419-434.
- Zahran, S., Grover, H., Brody, S. D., & Vedlitz, A. (2008). Risk, Stress, and Capacity: Explaining Metropolitan Commitment to Climate Protection. Urban Affairs Review, 43(4), 447-474.
- Green, D., & Vedlitz, A. (2007). Third Follow-up and Evaluation of the “Drive Clean Across Texas” Campaign: Statewide Assessment. College Station, TX: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, The Bush School, Texas A&M University.
- Lindquist, E. (2007, May 24-26). Climate Change and Adaptive Strategies in Sub-national Transportation Planning Agencies in the United States. Paper presented at the Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change – Earth System Governance: Theories and Strategies for Sustainability, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
- Lindquist, E. (2007, May). Extreme Urban Flooding as a Focusing Event: the Case of Tropical Storm Allison. Paper presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
- Liu, X., Vedlitz, A., Lindquist, E., & Vincent, K. (2007). Agenda Setting and Alternative Selection in Local Policy Processes. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.
- Lubell, M., Zahran, S., & Vedlitz, A. (2007). Collective action and citizen responses to global warming. Political Behavior, 29(3), 391-413.
- Rosenberg, S. (2007, April 17-21). Climate Change Scientists and Decision-Makers: Communication Gaps and Information Exchange. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Rosenberg, S., Cowman, D., & Vedlitz, A. (2007, April 18-21). Climate Change Science: A Profile of Climate Scientists’ Perspectives. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
- Vedlitz, A., Alston, L. T., Laska, S. B., Gramling, R. B., Harwell, M. A., & Worthen, H. D. (2007). Project Final Report: Use of Science in Gulf of Mexico Decision Making Involving Climate Change (No. EPA Cooperative Agreement: R-83023601-0). College Station: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, The Bush School, Texas A&M University.
- Vedlitz, A., & Zahran, S. (2007). Theories of Ethnic Social Distance: Comparative Empirical Tests for Three Distinct Ethnic Groups. Sociological Spectrum, 27(5), 585-603.
- Wood, B. D., & Vedlitz, A. (2007). Issue Definition, Information Processing, and the Politics of Global Warming. American Journal of Political Science, 51(3), 552-568.
- Zahran, S., Kim, E., Chen, X., & Lubell, M. (2007). Ecological Development and Global Climate Change: A Cross-National Study of Kyoto Protocol Ratification. Society & Natural Resources, 20(1), 37-55.
- Brody, S. D., Zahran, S., Vedlitz, A., & Grover, H. (2006, November). Explaining Local Commitment to Climate Change Policy in the United States. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Fort Worth, Texas.
- Chin, M., Karinen, R., & Lindquist, E. (2006, August-September). Searching for Cures: Assessing Interest Group Influence in the Federal Grantmaking Process. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- Hastings, D. W., Zahran, S., & Cable, S. (2006). Drowning in Inequalities: The Geography of Accidental Drowning and Submersion by Race. Journal of Black Studies, 36(6), 894-917.
- Jones, B. D., & Liu, X. (2006). Design Political Institutions to Foster Problem-Solving: An Information-Processing Perspective. Paper presented at the Harmonious Society and Governance Mechanism, 2006 Beijing Forum.
- Lindquist, E. (2006). Survival and Institutionalization of an Idea: The Rapid Rise of Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems. Review of Policy Research, 23(4), 887-902.
- Liu, X. (2006). Modeling Bilateral International Relations. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
- Liu, X., & Lindquist, E. (2006, January 5-7). Explaining U.S. Media and Congressional Attention to Climate Change Issue, 1969-2004. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Conference of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Liu, X., & Lindquist, E. (2006). Indicator Change, Focusing Event and Agenda Prominence: Media and Congressional Responses to Climate Change Issue (1969-2004). Paper presented at the 77th Annual Conference of the Southern Political Science Association.
- Lubell, M., Vedlitz, A., Zahran, S., & Alston, L. (2006). Collective Action, Environmental Activism, and Air Quality Policy. Political Research Quarterly, 59(1), 149-160.
- Mintz, A., Redd, S. B., & Vedlitz, A. (2006). Can We Generalize from Student Experiments to the Real World in Political Science, Military Affairs, and International Relations? Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50(5), 757-776.
- Putnam, L. L. (2006, January 20). Communication Framing and Stakeholder Alignments in Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Paper presented at the Presentation to Department of Psychology, Organizational and Social Psychology Colloquium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Putnam, L. L. (2006, February 3). Questioning a Priori Categorization of Stakeholder Groups: Stakeholders’ Framing of Intractable Environmental Conflict. Paper presented at the Queens School of Business, Queens University, Ontario, Canada.
- Putnam, L. L., Brummans, B., Gray, B., Hanke, R., Lewicki, R., & Wiethoff, C. (2006). Interpretive Communities and Stakeholders’ Framing of Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management, Montreal, CA.
- Zahran, S., Brody, S. D., Grover, H., & Vedlitz, A. (2006). Climate Change Vulnerability and Policy Support. Society and Natural Resources, 19(9), 771-789.
- Alston, L. T., Vedlitz, A., Zahran, S., & Bragg, B. (2005). Second Follow-up and Evaluation of the “Drive Clean Across Texas” Campaign: A Report to the Texas Transportation Institute. College Station, TX: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, Texas A&M University, Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Transportation Institute.
- Brody, S. D., Highfield, W., & Peck, B. M. (2005). Exploring the Mosaic of Perceptions for Water Quality across Watersheds in San Antonio, Texas. Landscape and Urban Planning, 73(2-3), 200-214.
- Brody, S. D., Vedlitz, A., & Zahran, S. (2005, November). Physical Vulnerability to Climate Change, Risk Perception and Policy Support in the U.S. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Fall Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C.
- Lindquist, E. (2005, October). Climate Change and Coastal Transportation Infrastructure: A Preliminary Assessment. Paper presented at the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, 6th Open Meeting, Bonn, Germany.
- Lindquist, E., & Peck, B. M. (2005, February). Big Problems, Small Solutions: Public Understanding of Nanotechnology. Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting (poster presentation), Washington D.C.
- Liu, X., & Jones, B. D. (2005 ). How Do Nations Choose What Game to Plan? The U.S.-China Case. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association.
- Lubell, M., Sabatier, P., Vedlitz, A., Focht, W., Trachtenberg, Z., & Matlock, M. D. (2005). Conclusions and Recommendations. In P. Sabatier, W. Focht, M. Lubell, Z. Trachtenberg, A. Vedlitz & M. D. Matlock (Eds.), Swimming Upstream: Collaborative Approaches to Watershed Management (pp. 261-296). Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Lubell, M., Vedlitz, A., Zahran, S., & Alston, L. (2005, April). Collective Action, Environmental Activism, and Air Quality Policy. Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, California.
- Putnam, L. L. (2005, February 9). Communication Framing and Stakeholder Alignments in Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Paper presented at the Presentation for the Centre for Social Research in Communication and Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
- Putnam, L. L., Brummans, B., Gray, B., Hanke, R., Lewicki, R. J., & Wiethoff, C. (2005, May). How Homogeneous are Stakeholder Groups? Profiling Disputants’ Framing of Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Paper presented at the Top Four Paper, Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association, New York, NY.
- Real, K., & Poole, M. S. (2005). Innovation Implementation: Conceptualization and Measurement in Organizational Research. In R. W. Woodman & W. A. Pasmore (Eds.), Research in Organizational Change and Development (Vol. 15, pp. 63-135). Amsterdam: Elsevier/JAI.
- Sabatier, P., Focht, W., Lubell, M., Trachtenberg, Z., Vedlitz, A., & Matlock, M. D. (Eds.). (2005). Swimming Upstream: Collaborative Approaches to Watershed Management. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
- Samuelson, C. D., Vedlitz, A., Whitten, G., Matlock, M. D., Alston, L., Peterson, T. R., et al. (2005). Citizen Participation and Representation in Collaborative Engagement Processes. In P. Sabatier, W. Focht, M. Lubell, Z. Trachtenberg, A. Vedlitz & M. D. Matlock (Eds.), Swimming Upstream: Collaborative Approaches to Watershed Management (pp. 138-169). Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Vedlitz, A., Alston, L. T., & Zahran, S. (2005). Assessment of the Drive Clean Across Texas Campaign. Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, Texas A&M University; Texas Department of Transportation; Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; Texas Transportation Institute.
- Vedlitz, A., Mintz, A., Redd, S. B., Liu, X., & Alston, L. T. (2005). Decision Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty: Experimental Assessment of Decision Models. College Station: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy in the George Bush School, Texas A&M University. A report to the National Defense University
- Vo, H. V., Poole, M. S., & Courtney, J. F. (2005). An Empirical Comparison of Collective Causal Mapping Approaches. In D. J. Armstrong & V. K. Narayanan (Eds.), Causal Mapping for Research in Information Technology (pp. 142-173). Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
- Brody, S. D., Highfield, W., & Alston, L. (2004). Does Location Matter? Measuring Environmental Perceptions of Creeks in Two San Antonio Watersheds. Environment and Behavior, 36(2), 229-250.
- Brody, S. D., Peck, B. M., & Highfield, W. E. (2004). Examining Localized Patterns of Air Quality Perception in Texas: A Spatial and Statistical Analysis. Risk Analysis, 24(6), 1561-1574.
- Courtney, J. F., Richardson, S. M., & Paradice, D. B. (2004). Decision Support Systems for Ecosystems Management: A Singerian Approach to Urban Infrastructure Decision Making. In M. A. Quaddus & M. A. B. Siddique (Eds.), A Handbook of Sustainable Development Planning: Studies in Modelling and Decision Support. Norhampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
- Lindquist, E. (2004, January 8-10). Survival and Institutionalization of an Idea: The Rapid Rise of Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems. Paper presented at the Southern Political Science Association (SPSA), New Orleans, LA.
- Lindquist, E., Becker, U., & Jakob, T. (2004, July). Policy Change and Extreme Ecological Events: Urban Floods in a Comparative Context. Paper presented at the International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Lund, Sweden.
- Liu, X., & Vedlitz, A. (2004, October 28-30). News Media Analysis of Climate Change in Texas: Issue Salience, Issue Attributes and Use of Science. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Neill, W. H., Brandes, T. S., Burke, B. J., Craig, S. R., Dimichele, L. V., Duchon, K., et al. (2004). Ecophys.Fish: A Simulation Model of Fish Growth in Time-Varying Environmental Regimes. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 12(4), 233.
- Putnam, L. L. (2004, June). Shifting Frames in Intractable Conflict: The Case of the Edwards Aquifer. Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Putnam, L. L. (2004, June). Turning Points and Frame Changes in the Edwards Aquifer Conflict. Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Alston, L., Lindquist, E., Peck, B. M., & Vedlitz, A. (2003, November 6-8). Implementation of Air Quality Improvement Measures in Texas: An Empirical Examination of Elite, Attentive Public and Mass Orientations. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Research Conference, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington D.C.
- Brummans, B., Putnam, L. L., & Boys, S. (2003, October 31). Frame Analysis of Stakeholders in Environmental Conflict. Paper presented at the Department of Communication, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Gray, B. (2003). Freeze Framing: The Timeless Dialogue of Intractability Surrounding the Voyageurs National Park. In R. J. Lewicki, B. Gray & M. Elliott (Eds.), Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts: Concepts and Cases (pp. 91-126). Washington D.C.: Island Press.
- Gray, B. (2003, March 24). The Role of Framing in Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Paper presented at the Department of Management, Katholieke Universitat, Leuven, Belgium.
- Gray, B., & Putnam, L. L. (2003). Means to What End: Conflict Handling Frames. Environmental Practice, 5(3), 239-246.
- Hanke, R., Rosenberg, A., & Gray, B. (2003). The Story of Drake Chemical: A Burning Issue. In R. J. Lewicki, B. Gray & M. Elliott (Eds.), Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Washington D.C.: Island Press.
- Lewicki, R. J. (2003, June 3). The Framing of Water Disputes in Ohio. Paper presented at the Water Management Association of Ohio, Columbus, OH.
- Lindquist, E., & Chin, M. (2003). Presidential Management of Interest Group Participation in Federal Advisory Committees. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting.
- Lomax, T. J., Vedlitz, A., Matlock, M. D., Courtney, J. F., Poole, M. S., Alston, L. T., et al. (2003). Exploring the Interface of Urban Decision Dynamic and Infrastructure Knowledge: Institute for Science, Technology & Public Policy, The Bush School, Texas A&M University; Texas Transportation Institute.
- Matlock, M. D. (2003, May 28). Developing an Urban Watershed Rehabilitation Method Using Stakeholder Feedback. Paper presented at the National EPA Research Conference, EPA Region VI, Dallas, TX.
- Matlock, M. D., Kasprzak, K., & Osborn, G. S. (2003). Sediment Oxygen Demand in the Arroyo Colorado River. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 39(2), 267-275.
- McIntosh, W. A., Alston, L. T., Booher, J. R., McCaughan, W., Segura, C. B., Sykes, D., et al. (2003). Time Spent with Patients and Charges to Patients for Specialty Consultations Using Telemedicine. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 9(4), 345-350.
- Musacchio, L., Grant, W. E., & Peterson, T. R. (2003). Adaptive Management of Complex Socio-Environmental Systems in the Southwestern United States: Examples of Urbanizing Watersheds in Arizona and Texas. In S. Guhathakurta (Ed.), Integrated Land Use and Environmental Models (pp. 121-133). New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Peck, B. M., Vedlitz, A., Alston, L. T., & Lindquist, E. (2003, November 6-8). Air Quality Improvement Measures in Texas: An Empirical Examination of Attentive Public and Mass Public Orientations. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Research Conference, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, November 6-8, 2003, Washington, DC.
- Putnam, L. L. (2003, August 3). Clustering, Site Differences, and Methodological Dilemmas in Stakeholder Research. Paper presented at the Professional Development Workshop on “Researching Stakeholder Participation in Environmental Conflicts,” Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Putnam, L. L., Brummans, B., & Boys, S. (2003, October 31). Frame Analysis of Stakeholders in Environmental Conflict. Paper presented at the Department of Communication Colloquium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Putnam, L. L., Burgess, G., & Royer, R. (2003). We Can’t Go On Like This: Reframing Intractable Conflicts. Environmental Practice, 5(3), 247-255.
- Putnam, L. L., & Peterson, T. R. (2003). The Edwards Aquifer Dispute: Shifting Frames in a Protracted Conflict. In R. J. Lewicki, B. Gray & M. Elliott (Eds.), Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts (pp. 127-158). Washington D.C.: Island Press.
- Roloff, M. E., Putnam, L. L., & Anastasiou, L. (2003). Negotiation skills. In J. O. Greene & B. R. Burleson (Eds.), Handbook of Communication and Social Interaction Skills. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Samuelson, C. D., Matlock, M. D., Kenimer, A. L., Neill, W. H., Peterson, T. R., Whitten, G., et al. (2003). Development of an Urban Watershed Rehabilitation Method Using Stakeholder Feedback to Direct Investigation and Restoration Planning. College Station, TX: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, George Bush School of Government and Public Service. A report to the USEPA STAR Program.
- Samuelson, C. D., Peterson, T. R., & Putnam, L. L. (2003). Group Identity and Stakeholder Conflict in Water Resource Management. In S. D. Clayton & S. Opotow (Eds.), Identity and the Natural Environment (pp. 273-295). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Smith, S. (2003). Citizen Initiated Contacts: Are They Influencing the Selection of Capital Improvement Projects? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Cleveland, OH.
- Smith, S. (2003). Who Decides: The When and How of It. Paper presented at the Joint Conference of the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning and Association of European Schools of Planning, Leuven, Belgium.
- Wiethoff, C., Lewicki, R. J., & Davis, C. (2003). Portraits of Self and Others: How Competing Frames of Identity, Characterization, and Conflict Intensify Debate over the Regulation of Water in Ohio. In R. J. Lewicki, B. Gray & M. Elliott (Eds.), Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Washington D.C.: Island Press.
- Woodward, R. T. (2003, November 13-14). The Experience of the United States: The Case of the Lake Dillon. Paper presented at the Technical Seminar on the Feasibility of the Application of Tradable Water Permits for Water Management in Chile, sponsored by the Interamerican Development Bank, and the Government of Chile’s National Environmental Commission, Santiago, Chile.
- Woodward, R. T. (2003). Lessons about Effluent Trading From a Single Trade. Review of Agricultural Economics, 25(1), 235-245.
- Woodward, R. T. (2003, November 7). Market Structures and Multiple Markets in Water Pollution Trading. Paper presented at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center Global Environment Seminar, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
- Woodward, R. T. (2003, September 12). Water Quality Trading: A Tale of 3 Programs. Paper presented at the Electric Power Research Institute, Environmental Sector Council Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Bhuthimethee, M., Dronen, N. O., & Neill, W. H. (2002, February 11-15). Bluegill Metazoan Parasite Community Structure in 2 Non-point Source Polluted Streams in San Antonio, Texas. Paper presented at the 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting (ASLO/AGU Joint Meeting), Honolulu, HI.
- Bhuthimethee, M., Dronen, N. O., & Neill, W. H. (2002). Metazoan Parasite Community Structure in Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) as an Indicator of the Impact of Urbanization on 2 streams in San Antonio, Texas. College Station, TX: Texas Water Resources Institute.
- Bhuthimethee, M., Dronen, N. O., & Neill, W. H. (2002, April 26-28). Use of Experimental Enclosures in the Comparison of Bluegill Metazoan Parasites from 2 Non-Point Source Polluted Streams in San Antonio, Texas. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of Southwestern Association of Parasitologists, University of Oklahoma Field Station, Lake Texoma, OK.
- Chin, M. L., & Lindquist, E. (2002). Contours of Access in Federal Advisory Committees. Journal of Public Policy (Korea), 13(6), 101-126.
- Chin, M. L., & Lindquist, E. (2002, August). Contours of Access in Federal Advisory Committees: A Preliminary Assessment of the Implications for Citizen and Interest Group Participation in the Policymaking Process. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Chin, M. L., & Lindquist, E. (2002, April). How Many Fish Swim in a Policy Stream? Federal Advisory Committees: A Preliminary Assessment of the Implications for Citizens and Interest Group Participation in the Policymaking Process. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Courtney, J. F., Richardson, S. M., & Paradice, D. B. (2002). The Internet, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems Management. In J. D. Hayes (Ed.), Internet Management Issues: A Global Perspective (pp. 165-177). Hershey, PA: Idea Publishing Group.
- Elgarah, W., & Courtney, J. F. (2002, August). Enhancing the G2c Relationship Through New Channels of Communication: Web-based Citizen Input. Paper presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Dallas, TX.
- Elgarah, W., Courtney, J. F., & Haynes, J. D. (2002, January). A Dialectic Methodology to Decision Support Systems Design. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Fontaine, L. P., & Neill, W. H. (2002, February 28-March 3). Assessing Impacts of Urbanization on Fish Performance. Paper presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Texas A&M International University, Laredo, TX.
- Fontaine, L. P., Neill, W. H., & Clark, K. W. (2002, July 22-25). Fish-Performance Ecoassay of Urbanizing Streams in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas. Paper presented at the International Congress on the Biology of Fish, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
- Gholkar, T. A., Matlock, M. D., & Hann, R. (2002). Modeling the Effects of Low Flow Augmentation by Discharge from a Wastewater Treatment Plant on Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Leon Creek, San Antonio, Texas (No. 190). College Station, TX: Texas Water Research Institute
- Grant, W. E., Peterson, T. R., & Peterson, M. J. (2002). Quantitative Modeling of Coupled Natural/human Systems: Simulation of Societal Constraints on Environmental Action Drawing on Luhmann’s Social Theory. Ecological Modelling, 158(1-2), 143-165.
- Gray, B. (2002, June 4). The Role of Framing in Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Paper presented at the Communication and Innovation Studies Group of University of Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Gray, B. (2002, March 25). The Role Of Framing in Intractable Environmental Conflicts. Paper presented at the Department of Urban Planning, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA.
- Gray, B., & Bryan, T. (2002, May 14). Frame This! The Use of Frames and Framing in Conflict Assessment and Intervention. Paper presented at the Conference on Environmental Conflict Resolution: The State of the Field and its Contribution to Environmental Decision Making, Tucson, AZ.
- Hanke, R., & Brummans, B. (2002). Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Data Analysis in Intractable Environmental Dispute Research. Paper presented at the International Association of Conflict Management, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Hanke, R., Gray, B., & Putnam, L. (2002, August). Differential Framing of Environmental Disputes by Stakeholder Groups. Paper presented at the Academy of Management, Denver, Colorado.
- Huy, V. V. (2002). A Multiple Perspectives Approach to Organizational Problem Formulation: Two Case Studies. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Kim, J. G., Dixon, J. B., Chusuei, C. C., & Deng, Y. (2002). Oxidation of Chromium(III) to (VI) by Manganese Oxides. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66(1), 306-315.
- Lubell, M. (2002, April 25-28). Consensual Environmental Institutions: All talk and no action? Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il.
- Mangal, K., Courtney, J. F., & Poole, M. S. (2002). UML Diagrams for Water, Sewer, Drainage and Roads Capital Improvement and Maintenance Processes. College Station, TX: Department of Information and Operations Management, Texas A&M University.
- Matlock, M. D. (2002, November). Stakeholder Involvement in TMDLs. Paper presented at the National TMDL Science and Policy Conference. WEF/EPA/ASIWPCA/USDA, Phoenix, AZ.
- Matlock, M. D., & Gholkar, T. A. (2002, April). An analysis of wastewater reuse for low flow augmentation to improve dissolved-oxygen concentrations in streams in San Antonio, Texas. Paper presented at the Arkansas Water Resources Center Annual Conference, AWRC, Fayetteville, AR.
- Matlock, M. D., Sabatier, P., Focht, W., Lubell, M., Trachtenberg, Z., & Vedlitz, A. (2002, June). Swimming Upstream: Collaborative approaches to watershed management. Paper presented at the Healthy Ecosystems-Healthy People International Conference of Ecosystem Health, Washington, DC.
- Matlock, M. D., Vedlitz, A., Samuelson, C., Whitten, G., Peterson, T. R., & Gilbertz, S. (2002, November). The Salado Creek TMDL: A Case Study. Paper presented at the National TMDL Science and Policy Conference. WEF/EPA/ASIWPCA/USDA, Phoenix, AZ.
- Poole, M. S. (2002). Challenges for the Design and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Major Urban Decisions. College Station, TX: Department of Communication, Texas A&M University.
- Poole, M. S., Courtney, J. F., & Mangal, K. (2002). Challenges in the Development of Decision Support Systems for Complex Environments: The Case of the City of Houston. College Station, TX: Department of Information and Operations Management, Texas A&M University.
- Poole, M. S., Whittaker, D., Neumann, M., Olson, D., Stricker, A., & Yen, J. (2002). Planning for the Future: Designing a Deliberation Support System for Urban Decision Making. College Station, TX: Department of Communication, Texas A&M University.
- Putnam, L. L. (2002). Framing Environmental Conflicts: The Edwards Aquifer Dispute. In E. Gilboa (Ed.), Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Making Policy, Shaping Opinions (pp. 117-132). Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers.
- Putnam, L. L. (2002, April 12). Intractable Conflicts: Dimensions, Descriptors, and Cases. Paper presented at the Organizational Behavior Symposium, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
- Putnam, L. L. (2002, August). Value-Based and Intractable Conflicts. Paper presented at the Professional Development Workshop on Confronting Ethnic and Ideologically Based Conflicts, Academy of Management Association, Denver, CO.
- Putnam, L. L., & Brummans, B. (2002, May). Framing Intractable Environmental Disputes. Presentation to Representatives of Texas State Senator Steve Ogden, Department of Communication, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Putnam, L. L., & Wondolleck, J. (2002). Intractability: Definitions, Dimensions, and Distinctions. In R. J. Lewicki, B. Gray & M. Elliot (Eds.), Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts (pp. 35-59). Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
- Putnam, L. L., & Wondolleck, J. (2002, July). Intractable conflict: Definitions, Dimensions, and Distinctions. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, Seoul, Korea.
- Samuelson, C. D., & Whitten, G. (2002, November). Managing Stakeholder Participation and Communication Processes: An Evaluation of Collaborative Learning in an Urban Watershed Restoration Project. Paper presented at the Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program on Conflict and Dispute Resolution, Bush School of Government & Public Service, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
- Smith, S. L. (2002). Managing Infrastructure Systems: Who’s Heard in the Decision Making Process? Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Vo, H. V., Poole, M. S., & Courtney, J. F. (2002). Comparing Methods of Incorporating Multiple Perspectives into Cognitive Maps. Paper presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Dallas, TX.
- Woodward, R. T., & Kaiser, R. A. (2002). Market Structures for U.S. Water Quality Trading. Review of Agricultural Economics, 24(2), 366-383.
- Woodward, R. T., Kaiser, R. A., & Wicks, A.-M. B. (2002). The Structure and Practice of Water-Quality Trading Markets. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 38(4), 967-979.
- Woodward, R. T., & Wui, Y.-S. (2002, December 12-14). Meta-Analysis of the Economic Value of Wetlands: Lessons about Wetlands, Valuation, and Meta-Analysis. Paper presented at the Master-point International Colloquium on Meta-analysis in Economics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Alston, L., Peck, B. M., & Vedlitz, A. (2001, November 15-17). Attitudes Toward Bio Engineered Foods in the United States and Europe: An Exploration. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Academy for Linguistics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Cancun, Mexico.
- Courtney, J. F. (2001). Decision Making and Knowledge Management in Inquiring Organizations: Toward a New Decision-Making Paradigm for DSS. Decision Support Systems, 31(1), 17-38.
- Elgarah, W., Courtney, J. F., & Bunker, D. (2001, August). A Dialectical Approach to Decision Support Systems Design. Paper presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston, MA.
- Fontaine, L. P. (2001). Fish-Performance Ecoassay of Urbanizing Streams in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas. Unpublished Master of Science Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Foster, C. A., & Matlock, M. D. (2001). History of the Clean Water Act. Water Resources Impact, 3(5), 26-30.
- Gore, D. C. (2001). Adam Smith’s Rhetorical Sympathy: A Return of Moral Sentiments to Public Policy. Unpublished Master of Arts Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Gore, D. C. (2001, November 1-4). Reconstructing Communication and Restoring Creeks: A Rhetorical Ethnography of Stakeholder Involvement in Public Policy Decisions. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Gray, B., & Hanke, R. (2001, August ). Frame Repertoires and Non-Collaborative Behavior. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting – How Governments Matter, Washington, D.C.
- Guthery, F. S., Lusk, J. J., & Peterson, M. J. (2001). The Fall of the Null Hypotheses: Liabilities and Opportunities. Journal of Wildlife Management, 65(3), 379-384.
- Jenkins-Smith, H., Silva, C., Mitchell, N., Whitten, G., & Vedlitz, A. (2001). Fields of dreams or nightmares? Public reactions to GMOs. College Station, TX.
- Lewicki, R. J. (2001, April). Framed: The Consequences of Framing Dynamics on the Resolvability of Environmental Disputes. Paper presented at the The Environmental and Social Sustainability Initiative, Organizational, Behavior and Development Program, George Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
- Lewicki, R. J. (2001, February 21). The Framing of Environmental Disputes. Paper presented at the Distinguished University Lectures Series, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
- Lewicki, R. J. (2001, November). The Framing of Water Disputes in Ohio. Paper presented at the 30th Fall Conference of the Water Management Association of Ohio, Columbus, OH.
- Matlock, M. D., & Murawski, M. (2001, April 4). Identifying and understanding potential sources of conflict in Total Maximum Daily Load processes through role-playing. Paper presented at the Arkansas Water Resources Center Annual Conference, Fayetteville, AR.
- Matlock, M. D., Osborn, G. S., Hession, W. C., Storm, D. E., & Kenimer, A. L. (2001). Ecological Engineering: A Rationale for Standardized Curriculum and Professional Certification in the United States. Ecological Engineering, 17(4), 403-409.
- Matlock, M. D., Osborn, G. S., Lepori, W., & Engler, C. (2001). Development and Implementation of a Common Investigative Methods Course for Undergraduate Engineering Students. Paper presented at the American Society of Engineering Education 2001 Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
- McIntosh, W. A., Alston, L. T., Booher, J. R., Hartman, J. T., McCaughan, W. T., Sykes, D., et al. (2001). Predictors of Continued Use of Telemedicine by Primary Care Professionals, Medical Specialists and Patients. In J. J. Kronenfeld (Ed.), Research in the Sociology of Health Care (Vol. 19, pp. 153-177). Kidlington, Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science.
- Murawski, M. T. (2001). Evaluations of Nutrient Diffusing Substrates and the Primary Importance of Light in Controlling Periphyton. Unpublished Master of Science Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Peterson, T. R., & Peterson, M. J. (2001). Communication practice in environmental decision making: An application of Niklas Luhmann’s social theory to Garrett Hardin’s Tragedy of the Commons. Paper presented at the Sixth Biennial Conference on Communication and Environment, Center for Environmental Communication Studies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
- Putnam, L. L. (2001). Challenges Facing Dispute Resolution in Organizations. In W. F. Eadie & P. E. Nelson (Eds.), The Language of Conflict and Resolution (pp. 10-20). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- Putnam, L. L. (2001, November 21). Dimensions of Intractable Conflict: The Edwards Aquifer Case. Paper presented at the Program on Conflict and Dispute Resolution (PCDR), George Bush School of Government and Public Service, TAMU, College Station, TX.
- Putnam, L. L. (2001, September 8). Identity and Characterization Frames of the Edward Aquifer Authority. Paper presented at the Edwards Aquifer Authority, Guadalupe Ranch, Boerne, Texas.
- Putnam, L. L. (2001, April 13). Shifting Frames and Conflict Intractability: The Case of the Edwards Aquifer. Paper presented at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
- Smith, S. (2001). Understanding the Effects of Citizen Input on Capital Improvement Plans. Paper presented at the World Planning Schools Congress, Shanghai, China.
- Smith, S., & Seidel, A. D. (2001). The Complexities of Getting a Capital Improvements Project in Houston Neighborhoods. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Schools of Planning, Cleveland, OH.
- Vedlitz, A., Alston, L. T., & Peck, B. M. (2001). Understanding Air Quality Issues in Texas: Public Attitudes and Expert Opinion. College Station, TX: The Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, The Bush School, Texas A&M University.
- Vedlitz, A., & Ewing, R. E. (2001). IT Symposium: The Future of Citizen and Government Interaction in the Information Age. College Station, TX: George Bush School, Texas A&M University.
- Wilson, S. R., Paulson, G. D., & Putnam, L. L. (2001). Negotiating. In W. P. Robinson & H. Giles (Eds.), The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology (pp. 303-315). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Woodward, R. T., & Wui, Y.-S. (2001). The Economic Value of Wetland Services: A Meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 37(2), 257-270.
- Alston, L. T., Lacher, T. E., Slack, R. D., Vedlitz, A., & Woodward, R. T. (2000). Ecological, Economic, and Policy Alternatives for Texas Rice Agriculture. TWRI Report TRI-181. College Station, TX: Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, George Bush School of Government and Public Service. A grant project report to the Texas Water Resources Institute.
- Braud, L. M., Castell-Perez, M. E., & Matlock, M. D. (2000). Risk-Based Design of Aseptic Processing of Heterogeneous Food Products. Risk Analysis, 20(4), 405-412.
- Bryan, T., Elliott, M., Gray, B., Kaufman, S., & Peterson, T. R. (2000, September 15). Framing in Intractable Environmental Disputes. Paper presented at the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, Albuquerque, NM.
- Courtney, J. F., Richardson, S., & Paradice, D. B. (2000, August). Information Technology for Sustainable Development. Paper presented at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Long Beach, CA.
- Cummins, K. L. (2000). The Temporal Mapping on the Riparian Vegetation of Leon and Salado Creek in Bexar County, Texas from 1987 to 1999. Unpublished Master of Science Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Davis, C., Gray, B., Hanke, R., Lewicki, R. J., Putnam, L. L., Rosenberg, A., et al. (2000, June 20). Methods for Assessing Frames in Environmental Disputes. Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management, St. Louis, MO.
- Gholkar, T. A. (2000). Modeling the Effects of Low Flow Augmentation by Discharge from a Wastewater Treatment Plant on Dissolved Oxygen. Unpublished Master of Science Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Harris, H. G. (2000). Changes in Ecosystem Services and Runoff Due to Land Use Change in the Watersheds of San Antonio. Unpublished Master of Science Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Kaufman, S. (2000, July). A Consensus Building Tool for Sustaining an Urban Watershed. Paper presented at the International Association for People-Environmental Studies, Paris, France.
- Kaufman, S. (2000, May). Implementability: The Birth Pangs of a Watershed Plan. Paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association, Los Angeles, CA.
- Lindquist, E., & Vedlitz, A. (2000, November). Urban Infrastructure Decision Making: Where Politics and Rationality Collide. Paper presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Seattle, WA.
- Lindquist, E., & Vedlitz, A. (2000, September). Urban Infrastructure Decision Making: Where Politics and Rationality Collide. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (poster session), Washington, D.C.
- McFarland, A., Kiesling, R. L., Hauck, L., & Matlock, M. D. (2000). Linking chemical and biological monitoring components in the TMDL process. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the National Water Quality Monitoring Council National Conference – Monitoring for the Millennium, USGS, Washington, D.C.
- McIntosh, W. A. (2000, August). Health, inequality, social integration, and economic growth: A test of the Wilkinson hypotheses. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC.
- McIntosh, W. A., Alston, L. T., Booher, J. R., Sykes, D., Segura, C. B., & Kronenfeld, J. J. (2000). Predictors of Use of Telemedicine for Differing Medical Conditions Research in the Sociology of Health Care (Vol. Volume 17, pp. 199-213): JAI.
- Peterson, M. J., Cowman, D. F., Krohn, M. R., Brown, R. D., & Vedlitz, A. (2000). Private Lands Stewardship and Conservation: Symposium Report (Project). College Station, TX: Center for Public Leadership Studies, George Bush School of Government and Public Service and Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Texas A&M University System.
- Peterson, T. R., & Peterson, M. J. (2000). Ecology According to Silent Spring’s Vision of Progress. In C. Waddell (Ed.), And No Birds Sing: Rhetorical Analyses of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (pp. 73-102). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
- Poole, M. S., Curran, J., Davidson, L., Harris, M. H., Thomas, E., Acosta, M., et al. (2000). Addressing the High-Tech Workforce Gap in Texas for the 21st Century. College Station, TX: Texas Governor’s Council on Science and Technology, George Bush School of Government and Public Service.
- Putnam, L. L. (2000, August). Organizational Framing of the Edwards Aquifer Dispute. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Putnam, L. L., Wunsch, J., Wiethoff, C., Lewicki, R., Davis, C., Gray, B., et al. (2000, August 7). The Influence of Identity, Characterization, and Conflict Management Frames on the Perpetuation of Environmental Conflicts, Conflict Management and Organizations and Natural Environment. Paper presented at the Academy of Management, Toronto, Canada.
- Samuelson, C. D., Peterson., T. R., & Whitten, G. (2000, October). Stakeholder Representation and Participation in an Urban Watershed Restoration Project. Paper presented at the Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy, Program on Conflict and Dispute Resolution, George Bush School of Government & Public Service, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Vedlitz, A., & Mack, W. R. (2000, April). Innovation and implementation in health care policy: An examination of public entrepreneurs. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
- Woodward, R. T. (2000). Market-Based Solutions to Environmental Problems: Discussion. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 32(2), 259-266.
- Stoutenborough, James W. and Arnold Vedlitz. 2014. “The Role of Scientific Knowledge in the Public’s Perceptions of Energy Technology Risks.” [PDF]
1999 and Earlier
- Alston, L. (1992, October 10). Telehealth: Telecommunication Technology and Rural Health Care: Paper presented at the Trans-Texas Videoconference Network, Texas A&M University.
- Alston, L. (1998, October). Ecological, economic, and policy impacts of commodity price support reduction on Texas rice-wetlands. Paper presented at the Texas Rice Industry–Visioning to 2050 Conference, Beaumont, TX.
- Canzoneri, N., Geva, N., & Vedlitz, A. (1998, August). The role of forgiveness in intergroup conflict resolution. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
- Elliott, M. (1999, October). The Framing of Environmental Disputes and the Intractability of Their Resolution. Paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Chicago, IL.
- Fossett, M., Kaiser, R., Matlock, M. D., Vedlitz, A., & Woodward, R. T. (1999). Effluent Trading: A Policy Review for Texas. College Station, TX: Center for Public Leadership Studies, George Bush School of Government and Public Services, Texas A&M University. A grant project report to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.
- Gray, B., Davis, C., Lewicki, R. J., & Elliott, M. (1999, June 17). Framing in Environmental Disputes. Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management, San Sebastian, Spain.
- Gray, B., Jones-Corley, J., Hanke, R., Lewicki, R. J., Wiethoff, C., Putnam, L. L., et al. (1999, August 9). The Framing of Intractable Environmental Disputes. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting – Change and Development Journeys into a Pluralistic World Chicago, IL.
- Henry, A. O. R. (1998). Ecological and Economic Value Issues Associated with Texas Rice Agriculture. Unpublished Master of Science Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Hession, W. C., Storm, D. E., Haan, C. T., Burks, S. L., & Matlock, M. D. (1996). A Watershed-Level Ecological Risk Assessment Methodology. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 32(5), 1039-1054.
- Kaiser, R. (1996). Texas Water Marketing in the Next Millenium: A Conceptual and Legal Analysis. Texas Tech Law Review, 27(1), 181.
- Kaufman, S. (1999, May). A Case Study of Public Participation in Watershed Planning. Paper presented at the International Association for Great Lakes Research, Cleveland, OH.
- Matlock, M. D. (1999). Development Total Maximum Daily Load Projects in Texas: A Guide to Lead Organizations. Austin, TX: Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission.
- Matlock, M. D. (1999). A Preliminary Assessment of the Nutrient Status of the Upper Arroyo Colorado River. Austin, TX: Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission.
- Matlock, M. D., Matlock, M. E., Storm, D. E., Smolen, M. D., & Henley, W. J. (1998). Limiting Nutrient Determination in Lotic Ecosystems Using a Quantitative Nutrient Enrichment Periphytometer. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 34(5), 1141-1147.
- Matlock, M. D., Storm, D. E., & Hession, W. C. (1999, September). A Risk-Based Approach for TMDLs in Texas. Paper presented at the Texas Animal Manure Management Conference, Austin, TX.
- Matlock, M. D., Storm, D. E., Smolen, M. D., & Matlock, M. E. (1999). Determining the Lotic Ecosystem Nutrient and Trophic Status of Three Streams in Eastern Oklahoma over Two Seasons. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 2(2), 115-127.
- Matlock, M. D., Storm, D. E., Smolen, M. D., Matlock, M. E., McFarland, A., & Hauck, L. (1999). Development and Application of a Lotic Ecosystem Trophic Status Index. Transactions of the ASAE, 42(3), 651-656.
- McIntosh, W. A. (1998, October). Telemedicine and the future: Lessons from the field – findings from the adoption and use of telecommunications for rural health care grant. Paper presented at the Third Annual Visions of the Future, Distance Learning for the 21st Century Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
- McIntosh, W. A. (1998, June). Time spent with patients and charges to patients using telemedicine for specialty consultations. Paper presented at the Health Services Research Association meeting (poster session), Washington, D.C.
- McIntosh, W. A., Alston, L. T., Booher, J. R., Sykes, D., & Segura, C. B. (1999). Predictors of Adoption and Continued Use of Telemedicine. In J. Kronenfeld (Ed.), Research in the Sociology of Health Care (Vol. 17, pp. 199-221). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- McIntosh, W. A., Alston, L. T., Booher, R., Sykes, D., & Segura, C. B. (1998, August). Predictors of use of telemedicine for differing medical conditions. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- McIntosh, W. A., Alston, L. T., Sykes, D., & Segura, C. B. (1999, August). Determinants of multiple uses of telemedicine. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Society, Chicago, IL.
- McIntosh, W. A., Booher, J. R., Alston, L., Sykes, D., & Segura, C. (1997, June). The Adoption of Telemedicine by Medical Specialists. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Health Services Association Meetings, Chicago, Il.
- McIntosh, W. A., Booher, R., Alston, L. T., Sykes, D., & Segura, C. B. (1998, August). The effects of newspaper reports on the use of telemedicine in a rural hospital. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Rural Sociological Society, Portland, OR.
- McIntosh, W. A., Sykes, D., Segura, C. B., & Alston, L. T. (1999). Rural Hospital Survival: A Case Study of the Shaping Effects of Community Perceptions. In J. J. Kronenfeld (Ed.), Research in the Sociology of Health Care (Vol. 16, pp. 223-241). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
- Moore, F., Matlock, M. D., & Sweeten, J. (1999). Non-Point Source Plutonium Dispersion Model (ANRC Project No. 99-02). Amarillo, TX: Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium.
- Murawski, M. T., Kreuter, U., Matlock, M. D., & Conner, J. (In press). Overcoming water quality uncertainty in point-nonpoint source water pollutant trading. Journal of Ecological Economics.
- Putnam, L. L. (1998, April 13). Media Representation of Stakeholder Frames in the Edwards Aquifer Case, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
- Putnam, L. L. (1998, October 24). Media Representation of Stakeholder Frames in the Edwards Aquifer Case, Department of Communications, University of Utah.
- Putnam, L. L., & Samuelson, C. D. (1999, August). Stakeholder Framing of the Edwards Aquifer Case. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Conflict Management Division, Chicago, IL.
- Putnam, L. L., Samuelson, C. D., & Taylor, K. (1998, March 13). Framing of Environmental Conflicts: The Edwards Aquifer Case. Paper presented at the Colloquium for Program on Conflict and Dispute Resolution, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Putnam, L. L., Samuelson, C. D., Taylor, K. M., Peterson, T. R., & Kaiser, R. A. (1998, June). Media representation of stakeholder frames in environmental disputes: The Edwards Aquifer case. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, College Park, MD.
- Putnam, L. L., & Taylor, K. (1998, June 19). Media Representation of Stakeholder Frames in Environmental Disputes. Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management, College Park, MD.
- Samuelson, C. D., Putnam, L. L., Peterson, T. R., Kaiser, R., & Taylor, K. (1997, August). Conflict Frames in Multi-party CPR Disputes: The Edwards Aquifer Case. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
- Sykes, D., & McIntosh, W. A. (1998, July). The ins and outs of gate keeping in a rural health care setting: A case study. Paper presented at the Rural Sociological Society Meetings, Portland, OR.
- Sykes, D., & McIntosh, W. A. (1999). Telemedicine, Hospital Viability, and Community Embeddedness: A Case Study. Journal of Health Care Management, 44(1), 59-71.
- Sykes, D., McIntosh, W. A., & Alston, L. (1999, August). The little girl was saved: Organizational stories and the adoption and diffusion of telemedicine. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Thomas E., Lacher, J., Slack, R. D., Coburn, L. M., & Goldstein, M. I. (1999). The Role of Agroecosystems in Wildlife Biodiversity. In W. W. Collins & C. O. Qualset (Eds.), The Importance of Biodiversity in Agroecosystems (pp. 147-165). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc.
- Whitten, G., Palmer, H., & Brookhart, A. M. (1998, August). Non-parametric models of voting behavior in multi-party elections. Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association.
- Wunsch, J., & Poole, M. S. (1999). The Real versus the Ideal: Meaning of Participants to Members of Quality Improvement Teams in a Health Care Setting.