The Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Social and Public Policy Dimensions
Nexus News
- Dr. Hannibal Presents ISTPP Research on Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Governance
- ISTPP’S Hannibal Presents Research on Texans’ Views of Fracking
- What’s Theory Got to Do with It? Institutional Collective Action and Governance of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in the Metropolitan San Antonio Region
- Portney, Hannibal, and Kurian Publish on Water Reuse and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
- ISTPP Director Portney Presents Water-Energy Nexus Research at TAMU Law School
- Correlates of Food-Energy-Water Nexus Awareness Among the American Public
- The Role of Communication in Managing Complex Water-Energy-Food Governance Systems
- ISTPP Researchers Portney and Hannibal Publish Paper on Cooperation of FEW Nexus Stakeholders in San Antonio Region
- ISTPP Director Portney Publishes Research on Governance of Water Reuse
- Dr. Portney and Colleagues Publish in Sustainability
- Social Capital, Knowledge, and the Environment: The Effect of Interpersonal Communication on Climate Change Knowledge and Policy Preferences
- Dr. Portney and Dr. Hannibal Co-Author Paper for Dresden Nexus Conference
- Urban Governance and Sustainability through Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Evidence from the San Antonio Area Case Study
- FEW: Exploring Citizens’ Support for Policy Tools at the Food, Energy, Water Nexus
- Drs. Hannibal & Vedlitz Publish Research on Food Waste and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- ISTPP’s Dr. Hannibal Presents Research on Public Opinion on Fracking at the 2017 American Sociological Association Conference
- Hannibal Presents Research at Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association
- Dr. Bryce Hannibal Presents Research on Food Waste in the Context of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- ISTPP Director, Dr. Portney, Leads Study of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Governance
- Dr. Portney, ISTPP Director, Researches the Soil-Water-Food Nexus
- Dr. Portney Gives Invited Talk at Ostrom Workshop
- Citizen-Based Brand Equity: A Model and Experimental Evaluation