A new student award for excellence in science and technology policy studies has been established by Dr. Arnold Vedlitz, executive associate dean of the Bush School and director of the Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy (ISTPP).
Funded with a $5,000 endowment from Dr. Vedlitz, the first of what will be an annual award, was presented to graduating student Peyton McGee, Master of Public Service and Administration, who received a check for $150 and a plaque.
The Vedlitz Award for Excellence in Science and Technology Policy Studies recognizes a Bush School student who demonstrates particular excellence in science and technology studies and who has focused consistently on science and technology’s relationship to policy problem identification and policy solution identification in classes, capstone research projects, and individual work. The award is open to both international affairs and public service and administration students in the Bush School.
Vedlitz, who also holds the Bob Bullock Chair in Government and Public Policy, said he wanted to reinforce the important role of science and technology in identifying policy problems and finding solutions.
“Over the years, I’ve seen the growing importance of science and technology to a range of policy issues and that our students need to be trained and focused on understanding this core policy relationship,” Vedlitz said. “The endowment to the Bush School will fund the award in perpetuity.”
Vedlitz noted that McGee had done outstanding work at ISTPP and will now be working as a research analyst at 2M Research Services, a research, program evaluation, and technical assistance consulting firm.
“Working with Dr. Vedlitz and Dr. Portney has been an important part of my Bush School education,” McGee said. “I’m honored to be the first recipient of the Vedlitz Award and grateful to everyone at the Bush School who provided such outstanding academic and research opportunities.”