Since its founding in 1997, the Bush School has brought speakers to campus who have addressed topics of interest to the wider community. Many of these events have been sell outs, with seats filled by a mix of local residents, Bush School students, and faculty. In keeping with that tradition, in January, two noted authorities will be speaking on the Texas A&M University campus: Carla Hills, former US trade representative for President George H. W. Bush and Dr. Jeffrey Engel, director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University and a former member of the Bush School faculty. By providing these opportunities to hear from prominent experts on diverse topics, the Bush School enriches the educational and cultural life of the community.
On January 28, Ambassador Hills will discuss her role as the president’s principal advisor on international trade as well as her experience as the chief negotiator for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), now in effect for twenty years. In addition to her time as US trade representative, Hills also served as secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Ford administration and as assistant attorney general. As part of the ConocoPhillips White House Lecture Series, Hills will speak in the Presidential Library Orientation Theater at the Bush Library, beginning at 5:30 p.m. During her visit, Ambassador Hills will also receive the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics and Public Policy’s Good Governance Award, which recognizes exemplary public service and raises the visibility of advanced analysis in policymaking.
Professor Engel will discuss his new book, Into the Desert – Reflections on the Gulf War, at the Scowcroft Institute for International Affairs in the Bush School at 5:30 p.m. on January 30 in the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center. In his study, Engel has assembled an all-star cast of contributors to reevaluate the first Gulf War. They examine the war’s origins, its unfolding, its impact within the Arab world, and its long-term effect on military affairs and international relations. President George H.W. Bush has called the book “…a must-read for those who care about America’s future role in the Middle East.”
A noted historian, Engel is the author or editor of seven books on American foreign policy, including The Fall of the Berlin Wall, Cold War at 30,000 Feet and The China Diary of George H.W. Bush. Following his presentation, there will be an opportunity to meet Professor Engel, purchase a copy of the book, and have it signed.
Please join us for these events, which are open to the public. Reserve seats for Ambassador Hills’ lecture by contacting the Mosbacher Institute at or by phone at (979)845-1927; for the Into the Desert event, contact the Scowcroft Institute at or by phone at (979)458-8015. Event Press Release in The Eagle: Hills, Engel to speak at Bush Library this month