Polish Secretary of State Wɫadysɫaw Bartoszewski
EUC News
Public Talk by the Ambassador of Ireland to the US, Geraldine Byrne Nason
Join us in the APCC Hagler Auditorium to enjoy Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason’s public talk on “Ireland’s unique role in advancing peace and security, including through the transatlantic partnership.” This event is open to everyone at TAMU as well as the B/CS community. Be sure to RSVP here. Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason is the Ambassador of […]
European Union Center hosts Global Health Challenges Conference
On Thursday, October 10, and Friday, October 11, the European Union Center at The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University hosted the Global Health Challenges Conference. The conference brought together ten speakers from around the world to discuss issues related to health policymaking. Improving health outcomes is a challenge for […]
European Union Center Leadership Announcement
Dr. Christine S. Lipsmeyer, professor in the Political Science department, has been announced as the New Director of the European Union Center. Dr. Lipsmeyer’s research is at the intersection of public policy, political economy, and political institutions. She is interested in questions about government behavior and responsibility, as well as the relationships between governments and […]
Irish Consul General Robert Hull visits Texas A&M
The European Union Center (EUC) hosted a visit by Irish Consul General Robert Hull on March 4, 2024, where he met with Bush School and Political Science Department faculty and students. He ended the day by discussing European politics, with a special focus on the Irish context, with undergraduate students in two political science courses.
Former French President to Discuss Terrorism, Democracy in Visit To Texas A&M
The Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University invites you to join François Hollande, former president of France, as he discusses “Upheavals: The New World Disorder and Democracy’s Struggle with Terrorism” on April 17, 2024, at 6 p.m. CT at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center. The event will […]