The first Transformative Research Award from Texas A&M’s Center for Housing and Urban Development went to Dr. Ann O’M. Bowman for her innovative urban development research. Bowman is the Hazel Davis and Robert Kennedy Endowed Chair in Government and Public Service at the Bush School.
Galen Newman, Director of the Center for Housing and Urban Development, presented the award to Bowman and thanked her for her contributions.

“I can think of no one more deserving of the Center’s first Transformative Research Award,” Newman said. “Bowman’s body of work has been extremely influential in my career as well as many others in related fields. I am delighted to present her with this small token of appreciation from CHUD as a thank you for all of her amazing work.”
Throughout her career, Bowman has conducted research on state and local government, publishing articles in numerous scholarly journals including Urban Affairs Review, Journal of Urban Design, and American Review of Public Administration. Her two recent co-authored books are State and Local Government and Terra Incognita: Vacant Land and Urban Strategies. She is currently completing a study of Austin’s recent change from at-large elections of its city council to a geographic district-based system. Upon receiving the award from CHUD, Bowman commented, “I am gratified to receive this recognition from CHUD, a noted research center that has long supported urban-focused scholarship.”