Poland is playing a major role in the war in Ukraine, according to Bush School expert
A top official from the Republic of Poland, a key ally of Ukraine, will give a free-to-the-public, on-campus talk on diplomacy and conflict on Jan. 30.
Polish Secretary of State Wɫadysɫaw Bartoszewski will speak at 6 p.m. at Rudder Theatre. His lecture is titled: “Warsaw to Washington: Diplomatic Pathways During Conflict.”
“Understanding Poland’s perspective is crucial for those interested in how the war in Ukraine might end as the incoming Trump administration gets to work on this issue,” said Alexandra Chinchilla, Ph.D., an assistant professor of international affairs at The Bush School of Government and Public Service.
The public is invited to attend the lecture.
A history of navigating and enduring conflict
Poland has a long history of conducting diplomacy during world-shaping conflicts. It was partitioned by neighboring countries in the 18th century, regained its independence at the end of World War I, was invaded by Germany and the Soviet Union at World War II’s beginning, lost millions of citizens to the Holocaust, was forced into the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War, won its freedom and was a founding signatory of the Warsaw Pact. It borders Ukraine to the west and is a key ally of Ukraine in that country’s war against Russia.
“When other allies were still figuring out their response, Poland was sending tanks,” Chinchilla said. “It has sent over 350 tanks as well as other heavy equipment and fighter aircraft which Ukraine desperately needs. It has accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees. All that support means that Poland is a country to watch as it takes on an increasing role within the NATO alliance.”
Bartoszewski’s visit is sponsored by Dr. Sue E. Mahoney ’94 and Patrick D. Mahoney ’71 and the Good Bull Fund. It is a collaboration between the Bush School European Union Center and the MSC Wiley Lecture Series.