COLLEGE STATION, TX (September 24)
A new issue of The Takeaway explores how foreign-owned mines can influence the location and intensity of conflicts. In “The Restraining Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Armed Conflict,” Dr. Gyu Sang Shim explores how foreign direct investment (FDI) in mining can influence the level of armed conflict in resource-rich regions. Shim’s recent research suggests that while resource wealth often leads to violence, the presence of foreign-owned mines can deter attacks due to the potential for military intervention from the miners’ home countries. This deterrent effect is particularly strong when the home country has significant military capabilities and a history of intervention.
Shim, an instructional assistant professor at the Bush School DC and a Mosbacher Institute Research Fellow at Texas A&M University, has focused much of his research on how firms leverage their diverse political backgrounds against investment risks.
The Takeaway is a publication of the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy at the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University.